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Opinion / Have Faith

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  • Bruch campaign shameful

    Jul 29, 2020

    “A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” This chilling statement has been attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s minister of propaganda. The campaign of Bill Bruch, candidate for the Washington House of Representatives in the 10th Legislative District, has evidently taken its message to heart. I realize that this is a serious charge, and I do not make it lightly. Once again, however, the Bruch campaign, in a sensationalistic, dishonest and scurrilous hit piece I received in the mail today, says of Bru...

  • Democrat beat up at Republican rally

    Jul 29, 2020

    Since when is it okay for our Republican candidates for high state office to stand by and watch while a group of their ardent supporters harass and then physically assault a member of the public attending an “all are welcome” 4th of July event in Oak Harbor? Yes, the victim Zach Wurst is a Democrat, but he was just sitting there quietly listening. What were the Republican candidates saying that was so secret – in a field next to Walmart, under a clear blue sky, with dozens of people listening – that they couldn’t let anyone recor...

  • Rebuttal of Stokes

    Jul 29, 2020

    In the July 22 Weekly News, I see that Ms. Stokes responded to my letter. This is getting a bit silly, but the issue of a candidate’s worthiness or appropriateness for a given political position based upon his prior performance and behavior is a very serious subject. I will state that I have no vested interest in any of the current crop of candidates, while obviously Ms. Stokes, as Mr. Bruch’s campaign manager, does! I raised the Bruch candidacy because of what I witnessed and heard a few years back, especially the incident where Mr. Bruch yel...

  • Bruch slandering Paul

    Jul 29, 2020

    Dear Editor: I received a campaign ad from Bill Bruch in the mail last Thursday, which makes evident that Bruch knows nothing about the Senate Bill 3595 that was signed into law to appropriately address education for kindergarten through twelfth grade children about sex. Clearly he has not read the bill, looked at appropriate curriculum or talked with a school health teacher about it. I have. It took 30 minutes and two phone calls. This curriculum addresses areas of safety and hygiene specifically, for young children, concerns we all have for...

  • Bruch’s is smear campaign

    Jul 29, 2020

    Tired of smear campaigns, distorted truths, and out-and-out lies? Shouldn’t we expect more of our candidates as well as our incumbents? If so, you will be troubled by the recent smear campaign against Representative Dave Paul, moderate Democratic incumbent in Legislative District 10. Recently, his Republican challenger, Bill Bruch, sent out a mailer that paints Paul, who supported SB 5395, as a “radical” who “wants graphic comprehensive Sex-Ed taught beginning as early as kindergarten.” Bruch appears either ignorant or dishonest, neither o...

  • Bruch ad and sex ed

    Jul 29, 2020

    Regarding the Bill Bruch ad: Dave Paul voted in favor of sex ed for kindergartners? Please. The only sex ed message a kindergartner would learn is that they should tell their parents if someone touches them inappropriately or makes them feel uncomfortable about their body. Bill Bruch has no children. I am a mother and a grandmother. I vote for Dave Paul for the sake of the children. Barbara Brunisholz La Conner...

  • Our stressed community

    Ken Stern|Jul 22, 2020

    At the start of month five of responding to the coronavirus pandemic in Washington state neither the news nor the prognosis is good. Skagit County has recorded 117 cases since July 4 and 223 cases since it moved into Phase 2 June 5. A two week total under 25 is the marker to proceed to Phase 3, further expanding economic activity in the County. The virus is not under control, much less being beaten back in the county, throughout Washington or nationally. Let’s focus on our little corner of the world, though the disastrous lack of a coordinated...

  • Proactively managing change in Skagit County

    Jul 22, 2020

    By: Bev Faxon When Home Rule Skagit promoted a charter form of county government in 2018 to replace the commissioner system, opponents countered, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” The two incumbent commissioners running for office opposed a charter. They argued that things must not be broken, because they traditionally ran unopposed. This November, both face challengers. Maybe this means something IS broken? Or maybe this is democracy: choice at the ballot box, a chance to evaluate our government. Covid-19 illustrates one government role &n...

  • Unhinged attack

    Jul 22, 2020

    This is a rebuttal to Councilman John Leaver’s July 15 letter, which contained egregious falsehoods about Bill Bruch, a Republican candidate for a Legislative District 10 House seat. Bruch never managed the Pier 7 building in his role as a professional property manager. Leaver must be referring to the Lime Dock, which years ago had a tenant who ignored the lease terms, caused damage to the building, quit paying rent and had to be evicted. Leaver’s account of the sheriff being called on Bruch is a false story likely concocted by an angry, vin...

  • Dave Paul for 10th Legislative District

    Jul 22, 2020

    I am responding to the July 15 letter titled “Bruch for House” which is a grenade tossed over the transom. Facts do matter. The writer claims that Senate Bill 5395, an act relating to requiring comprehensive sexual health education, was championed by Rep. Paul. Yes, Rep. Paul was one of 56 State House members who voted “yes” for 5395. Mr. Bruch was not in the House when the legislation passed. The writer claims that Rep. Paul was not concerned about the views of parents in the 10th District. Yet Section 7 of 5395 allows any parent or legal g...

  • Ron Wesen for county commissioner

    Jul 22, 2020

    Why Ron Wesen for County Commissioner? Again! First and foremost, why the heck not. He has done a great job serving Skagit Valley in every aspect of his Commissioner role. More, Ron is a genuinely good man who believes strongly in advocating for everything that Valley residents cherish in living here. As importantly, ask anyone who knows Ron, has worked with or for him or has crossed his path in any way, he is also someone who is approachable and genuinely interested in hearing whatever someone has to say. In other works, he is a likeable guy...

  • Vote Lundsten for change

    Jul 22, 2020

    Once upon a time, the citizens of Skagit County could rely on a government that operated by inertia. We could be comfortable thinking that our problems were long term and would work themselves out sometime in the future. Well the “long term” has arrived. We don’t have enough water for all the thirsty crops we are now growing. We don’t have enough water to save our salmon runs and protect our orcas. We don’t have enough water to allow everyone who can afford to build a home to be able to drill a well. We don’t have enough housing for all the...

  • Musings – on the editor’s mind

    Ken Stern|Jul 16, 2020

    My oldest sister, Maureen, turned 70 Sunday. She is five years older than me, enough years apart that I do not think of us as growing up together. She was 10 when I was five. We never walked to school side-by-side. She graduated high school when I was in eighth grade, so we never passed each other in the hall. Maureen went to college in 1968, to Maryville, Tennessee, because that is where our father went. We grew up in Toledo, Ohio. I didn’t know anything about Tennessee. Or Vietnam, either. In 1968 my oldest sister was as much a mirage as r...

  • Protests a sign of hope

    Jul 16, 2020

    Dear Editor: I appreciate and concur with your July 1 musings (protests offer hope – ed.). In spite of 2020 thus far being in some ways an ‘annus horribilis,’ it is also hopeful. These protests since the George Floyd tragedy seem a tipping point. Our thirty-ish daughters and their peers are passionately advocating for #BlackLivesMatter and defunding police. Jim Crow era statues glorifying oppression are coming down. More people are rising up against the ugliness of white supremacy. More people are signaling they will vote for humane, lev...

  • Lundsten for Skagit County Commissioner

    Jul 16, 2020

    I’m excited to tell you, if you haven’t already heard, there’s a challenger to Republican Ron Wesen, the county commissioner currently representing our District (No. 1). I’m excited not only because Wesen is not unopposed (as was true the last time he ran), but also because the Democratic challenger, Mark Lundsten, is an excellent candidate. He is smart, articulate, hard-working and, importantly, in this day and age, collaborative. He knows how to listen and to take action. If you are as tired as I am with the court challenges filed and los...

  • Bruch for House

    Jul 16, 2020

    I am writing this letter in support of Bill Bruch for the House of Representatives 10th Legislative District. Bill Bruch tried to protect our children by opposing the radical sex education Senate Bill 5395. His opponent championed that bill and was not concerned about the views of parents in his district. Bill Bruch was one of the leaders in supporting referendum R-90 that has received enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot and will repeal that radical sex education bill. Bill Bruch is not beholden to the liquor industry,...

  • ANYBODY BUT Bruch for LD 10

    Jul 16, 2020

    In the July 9th Weekly News I noticed a letter singing the praises of Mr. Bill Bruch running for State House representative in the 10th LD. This will NOT be praising him but quite the opposite. Mr. Bruch did serve as a fellow Town Councilman a few years back, seemingly for a “minute.” Each Council person usually is assigned area of responsibility to coordinate and to a degree “shepherd” in its processes. I do not recall what Mr. Bruch’s area was, but I certainly do not remember any momentous achievements or projects while he served, which was d...

  • Republican Party Champion

    Jul 16, 2020

    I usually wear my Trump shirt when out in the public. Why? Because I am not afraid of the opposition, and I have the right to my beliefs. So far I have had many speak or nod in agreement. One who was afraid to speak, gave me a written note of his agreement. Stand up for your beliefs. We have everything to lose at this election. Many years ago, I came to a crossroads about the two parties. I had been an independent. Then a candidate came on the scene that I found definitely in opposition to my value system. I decided I better research the...

  • Price Johnson for State Senate

    Jul 16, 2020

    The election this November gives us a chance to elect someone new to the Tenth District’s Senate seat. Yes, we have the guy who sat in the seat during the session back in January, February and March, but that is about all he did. We have an opportunity to elect a real go-getter to that position, Helen Price-Johnson! Ms. Johnson has been dealing with many of the problems of a large part of the Tenth District for the last twelve years as County Commissioner from Island County’s First District. And she has truly dealt with them, from the rec...

  • Dave Paul for LD 10

    Jul 16, 2020

    I would like to ask for your support for Dave Paul who is seeking to return to the Washington state legislature as our representative in the 10th District! As a teacher at Skagit Valley College, I have worked with Dave for many years. He is hardworking, smart and brings an attitude of compassion and respect to his interaction with students and all others at the college. Dave is thoughtful and carefully considers all options when making a decision. He has also demonstrated this smart decision making in his work in Olympia. As we face the challen...

  • Exercising your citizenship

    Ken Stern|Jul 16, 2020

    Ballots for the August 4 primary election are in the mail. The Weekly News again, having thought long and hard about the ballot races, is endorsing you, the common citizen. Are you prepared to make your candidate choices? This newspaper is taking the chance that its readers, neighbors and families will do the necessary heavy lifting in seeking out and sorting through the many contested elections to determine who is best qualified in terms of training, experience and temperament to occupy the many offices being filled. People of good character,...

  • Future of La Conner Braves?

    Jul 16, 2020

    It was announced this morning that the Washington, D.C. professional football team would no longer be known as the “Redskins” nor be represented by a Native American logo. It is likely other pro teams in Cleveland, Atlanta and Kansas City that also have Native American themed names and mascots soon will follow suit. Such is the sign of the times, although Stanford U. and Dartmouth College dropped their tribally affiliated logos decades ago in response to the pressures of “political correctness.” That being the case, how long will La Conner...

  • Vote for LD 10 Republicans

    Jul 16, 2020

    Democrats have controlled our State Government for 40 years, and as our crumbling infrastructure, higher taxes and runaway spending demonstrate, it is high time for a change. Those of us in Legislative District 10 have an excellent opportunity to help turn things around with three very principled candidates who care about our community because they are part of it. Our State Senator, Ron Muzzall, deserves our vote, as do Bill Bruch and Greg Gilday, who are seeking election to the two House of Representative seats. Bill Bruch is challenging an...

  • Missing Bob and Rebecca

    Jul 12, 2020

    It’s been tough hearing about local businesses closing. The biggest gut punch for me was when Bob Jacobson and Rebecca Strong said they had closed The LUX and were moving to Lopez Island. I had gotten to know them over the last five years or so. Their departure is a big loss for the community. Perhaps this is only so long for now, and not goodbye forever, but I’m not alone in wishing you two all the best out on the Island. Sincerely, Matt May, La Conner...

  • Bruch for House in LD 10

    Jul 12, 2020

    By: Sandy Stokes If the dangerous, lawless takeover in Seattle has shown us anything, it is that generations of one-party rule have not been healthy for our state. Our little town is fielding a candidate who can help reverse the trend toward impotent state governance. Bill Bruch is the change candidate – a Republican running for a seat in the state House of Representatives. He has been a La Conner and Skagit County resident for many years and knows the issues we face as homeowners, farmers, small business owners and taxpayers. He has alli...

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