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Opinion / Letters

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  • (More) sadness from Gaza

    Aug 14, 2024

    I just read an e-mail blurb from a Tunde Wackman who is staff at World Central Kitchens. The New York based non-profit who is working non-stop in Ukraine, Sudan and other troubled locales around the world, including Gaza and the West Bank. You may recall that World Central Kitchens is the organization that Jeannie Wedin, myself and others raised $18,000 for a few years back feeding refugees in Ukraine. Now they are distributing much-needed food to starving Palestinians. A month or so back they were in the news resulting from Israeli Prime...

  • Tribe not paying on school debt

    Dan ODonnell|Aug 7, 2024

    The public hearing held on July 29 by the La Conner school board revealed that next year the district is going to levy $1,434,000 for debt service on the bond that built the middle school. That will be paid by about 4,400 non-Native American taxpayers who live in the school district. The Swinomish do not pay taxes. Yet, they account for 38.7% of the student body. They should contribute $554,958. The tribe can afford it. They will collect $1,958,197 extra cash from their tax on Shelter Bay and Pull & Be Damned residents this year. One of the...

  • What is the H-2A Farmworker Program?

    Jul 31, 2024

    The Federal H-2A Temporary Farmworker Program was designed to provide “temporary workers/guest workers” in areas where industrial agriculture can request a cheap, flexible and deportable workforce with no labor rights. This program relies on cheap and exploitable temporary workers working on farms at the expense of local farmworker communities displaced from secure jobs to support their families. Local workers work/live in Skagit County (some for decades), have families, pay taxes, pay for housing, buy clothing and groceries, and support the...

  • Potential solar power in ditches

    Jul 24, 2024

    Photosynthetic power, that that falls freely from the sun, is captured by the oceans, trees, rocks, leaves, cities, sidewalks and streets. Yeah, the last three are as unnatural as covering perfectly good farmland with solar panels. Solar panels are more appropriate on slopes, like roofs and open rocky south-facing places. Of course, there are farmland ditches that could be creatively covered with them and as you might have guessed, I’ve designed a few different concepts about how to get it done. Our south-sloping dike between La Conner and Plea...

  • Saturday morning walk in La Conner

    Jul 24, 2024

    My old MacBook died so I have relied on those pesky PCs at the library. The difference is vast and I stumble at the task, but get by with the aid of the librarians. Then on down the street, Rico and I seek a head of lettuce and find a bib type to blow your mind, Hedlin grown to perfection. As Rico rolls in the grass, scratching his back, I gaze to the north across the flats, a view to enchant the poet or painter, or me and you, my lucky neighbor. Jai Boreen La Conner...

  • Pioneer family honor is ill timed

    Jul 17, 2024

    I am sad that the Skagit County Pioneer Association chose a year when Skagit County Commissioner Ron Wesen is up for reelection to honor the Wesen family. Not a good look. And Commissioner Wesen should know better. The Wesen family deserves the honor, but next year would have been better. And, by the way, I am not supporting Wesen’s opponent. Gale Fiege Pleasant Ridge...

  • Gun owners' best friend? It's Trump

    Jul 17, 2024

    In February of 2024 former President Donald Trump called himself “the best friend gun owners have ever had in the White House,” and said that during his presidency he had “done nothing. We didn’t yield” (all quotes, U.S. News and World Report). Perhaps Chambers of Commerce across America are noting reduced international tourism since 2006 since there have been over 570 (and counting-up) mass killings in the United States. Perhaps, for those living outside America and planning a trip, they are simply afraid to come for fear of being shot. Yet...

  • Town wants ideas, just not from Glen

    Jul 10, 2024

    As an active community member, I read almost every article in the La Conner Weekly News, usually by early Wednesday afternoon, so I typically find things about which to write. Sometimes I just sit and let the soup simmer, see if it needs some seasoning, maybe some seasoned reasoning should come to bare. I found the town council’s priorities (“La Conner council sets priorities at retreat,” July 3) very interesting. One member of the council brought up the importance of community involvement, another stressed volunteerism, communication and s...

  • MoNA has more great exhibits

    Jul 10, 2024

    A recent article in your paper reviewed the new exhibitions at MoNA, the powerful paintings and glass work of Joseph Gregory Rossano’s “Portrait of the Divine,” and “Early Rituals,” the iconic creations of a master in glass, William Morris (June 19, 2024). However, two upstairs exhibitions were not mentioned. The first is a beautiful exhibition from MoNA’s permanent collection, “At the Seam,” including new acquisitions and the last is “SOMOS (WE ARE)” in the small Outside/In Gallery. It is the latter upon which I would like to comment. The art...

  • Thanks for the fire fun-draiser

    Jul 3, 2024

    On June 5, the La Conner Firefighters Association took over the La Conner Pub and Eatery. Firefighters, EMTs and association members ran the restaurant with the help of John, Jada and a few pub employees: Julie, Jasmine, Adolfo, Blythe and Estella. We wanted to thank our community for all of the support and for joining us for such a fun event! We’re looking forward to seeing all of you at our Golf Tournament on Sept. 7. Natalie Baker La Conner...

  • Fun backstory of the LC Loopers

    Jul 3, 2024

    It was fun to see that a photo of what some call the “La Conner Loopers” on their bikes and trikes in “A view from the editor’s eye,” the centerfold in last week’s La Conner Weekly News. Much ado has been made about this old dude crossing mileage milestones, when the attention really should be about all of the other characters that have been the inspiration to get me up and rolling every morning. Weather permitting. Fred, the recognized leader of the Loopers, caught me tooling around on my new trike shortly after Barb and I moved to Center S...

  • Community: Save the Weekly News

    Jul 3, 2024

    I was greatly moved by last week’s editorial, in which Ken Stern ponders the fate of our truly local newspaper, the La Conner Weekly News. I would urge you to read it if you have not, or to re-read it if you have. We are in danger of losing a critically important component of our community. Social media and individual websites are not adequate replacements. We are uniquely blessed to have a locally owned paper dedicated to the interests of our community, with reporters actually reporting what is going on, often in depth, which you would n...

  • Mitchell family thanks La Conner

    Jul 3, 2024

    Describing the thoughts and feelings over these last two weeks is challenging, to say the least. A house fire is one of those things that you always think will never happen to you. It’s such a surreal experience that we are still trying to fully process our new reality. Having gone through this trauma, we should be feeling despondent and defeated. In every right, we should be miserable and yet, we find ourselves optimistic with smiles on our faces looking toward the future. There is one clear cause of our positive outlook: this extraordinary c...

  • Credit to park's foreparents

    Jun 26, 2024

    La Conner Weekly News Team: Thank you for the wonderful story and photo last week, reporting about our dedication/blessing of the new pavilion at Conner Waterfront Park (June 19, page 1). One thing I said that day and would like to see reported is the idea for the park started with Parks Commissioner Brian Scheuch, who I said was the father of the park, along with his friend BJ Carol. Thank you, Ollie Iversen La Conner Parks ­Commissioner...

  • Progress strips beauty from cliff

    Jun 5, 2024

    Just a small rock face in town, not more than four stories high, slate or limestone. I don’t really know my rocks, but it is grey and adorned with flowers clinging to its face, flowers of many colors, Hesperus, California poppy, bachelor button, penstemon, oxeye daisy, moss and licorice fern, resilient plants making the best of it in clefts in the cliff, in pockets of soil blown up from the Skagit flats. Above is a ragged crown of juniper, twisted and gnarly. A gift, a thing of beauty that simple expanse of rock left unmolested for so many y...

  • Your vote is for love or for hate

    Jun 5, 2024

    A poem by Rabindranath Tagore is the epigraph at the beginning of Georgina Howell’s biography of Gertrude Bell: We are all the more one because we are many For we have made ample room for love in the gap where we are sundered. Our unlikeness reveals its breath of beauty radiant with one common life, Like mountain peaks in the morning sun. Bell, an English woman born in 1880, was a linguist, archeologist, author, poet and Arabist. She worked tirelessly on behalf of the Arab cause during World War I and helped establish a free and independent I...

  • Trump verdict will ensure win

    Jun 5, 2024

    On May 30 the New York City Criminal Court stepped on a rake with the ensuing pain to be felt the worst in 158 days by the Biden supporters of the nation. If past history is an indicator of what takes place after a resounding defeat and loss of power, the liberals usually resort to setting fires or worse. We can only hope the National Guard is strong enough to pinch it in the bud so a reelected President Trump can continue to make America great again. Denny Sather Mount Vernon...

  • Trump verdict wasn't 'rigged'

    Jun 5, 2024

    Last week Donald Trump was convicted unanimously by 12 jurors, people much like you and me. They were selected by both the prosecution and the defense, each side with equal ability to remove individual prospectives from the jury pool. To tell me that the choosing of jurors and alternates was somehow “rigged” is nonsense. To tell me that you, the diehard Trumper, are certain that all of those chosen jurors were Biden/Dem supporters is more nonsense – because you cannot know that. (And it only takes one to hang a jury.) The jury heard and saw a...

  • Rexville Grange thanks for support

    May 29, 2024

    The Rexville Grange is so grateful for the many inquiries and requests to help support or join our local Grange hall. Our thanks to Anne Basye, Ken Stern and the La Conner Weekly News for highlighting the history of this unique community hall and explaining some of our current concerns (Weekly News May 1 and 8). We are so pleased to hear from many of our neighbors and new friends willing to help us grow into a bright future. Reach us at [email protected]. Thank you. Rexville Grange board ­president Greater La Conner...

  • World Court finds against Monsanto

    May 29, 2024

    Thank you, Maggie, for your letter addressing concerns about Glyphosate / Roundup and the considerable and the enormous dangers to our environment. I would like to support that with some additional information. In 2016, Monsanto was taken to the World Court in the Hague and found guilty of health crimes against humanity and the environment, among other things. The suit was brought by over 1,000 international organizations including the Organic Consumers Association; Greenpeace; Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights; Ecoworld of Scandinavia;...

  • Follow God for the good of all

    May 22, 2024

    Well, I don’t need to write what is happening in our own country and around the world. Unless one is living under a rock, or is deliberately denying what is before our very eyes each day, we clearly see the U.S. and other countries are in a world of hurt. The only solution, in my opinion, is: we better turn back to the God of the universe, repent of our sins and let God back into our individual lives, our government, our schools, our business ventures, etc. In other words, recognize He is God and we desperately need Him. He is the answer. We a...

  • In defense of editorials

    May 15, 2024

    Mr. Doerflinger last week accused the editor of this paper of “outrage and personal insults against some (Supreme Court) justices” (“More light, less heat on court,” letter, May 8). I looked back and could not find examples that would justify his accusations. Yes, the editor has found fault with the court, for good reason. Certain justices appear to have been influenced by gifts and associations. The taint of corruption has stained the image of the current court. Add to that the fact that, while president, Donald Trump appointed three of the ju...

  • Hamas creates children who hate

    May 15, 2024

    I am heartsick every time I see a wounded or dead child injured in the Israeli attack on Hamas. I sit in sorrow for a time, then I realize why they are suffering just like the children in Germany in World War II. The residents of Germany supported murderous leaders like Hamas who taught hate for Jews and dedicated their lives to killing every Jew and driving them from the face of the earth. The so-called Palestinians unequivocally support Hamas in their efforts. Hamas fighters slaughtered, raped tortured and killed 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7 and...

  • More light, less heat on court

    May 8, 2024

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent questioning of attorneys on both sides in the Trump immunity case has provoked outrage, and personal insults against some justices, by our esteemed editor (Weekly News, May 1). But the Court made it clear months ago that it may not give an outright “win” to either side, by framing the question before it as “whether, and to what extent,” a president is immune from criminal prosecution for acts while holding office. One appellate court said Trump was not immune from prosecution for any of the acts cited by prosec...

  • Trust current school staff

    May 8, 2024

    This moment, Superintendent Will Nelson’s resignation is an opportunity for the La Conner Schools. I am in full agreement with the assessment by the school board, to focus within the district instead of initiating a search for a replacement. With school funds low, the financial outlay of a search and the salary of a superintendent are funds better spent focused on what already exists and lessening the load placed on staff members due to the funding shortage. Experts in their fields; David Cram, director of finance and operations, and Beth C...

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