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  • School board adopts new strategic plan

    Bill Reynolds|Jun 2, 2021

    Going on retreat was the best path forward for La Conner schools officials last week. School board members spent their three-hour retreat May 21 applying the finishing touches to the district’s new strategic plan, a process that has been two years in the making. They worked on next year’s budget and discussed capital improvements and naming two new student reps. That set the stage for formal action at its May 24 meeting. Members unanimously adopted a strategic plan designed to create a learning environment in which the academic and social emo...

  • School board embraces survey data

    Bill Reynolds|May 19, 2021

    La Conner students are daily taught the power of critical thinking. School officials are also embracing that lesson as they begin analyzing data collected from surveys whose input will help shape a draft district strategic plan addressing key academic and campus culture goals and objectives. La Conner school board members and administrators hosted a two-hour presentation Monday night by Roni Rumsey, director of professional learning at the Center for Educational Effectiveness. She shared insight into how data analysis can play a vital role in...

  • La Conner a top U.S. Knowledge Bowl team

    Bill Reynolds|May 19, 2021

    The La Conner High School Knowledge program is virtually – and truly – among the best in the country. La Conner’s “Chronically Iliad” team competed earlier this month against schools of all sizes in the inaugural virtual National Knowledge Bowl Tournament, placing fourth among entries from 1A enrollment campuses. Knowledge Bowl coaches Beth Clothier and Christi Malcomson said the La Conner team, which “competed up” as a 2B entry, underwent six rounds of oral and written questions...

  • Christine Tripp new assistant principal

    Bill Reynolds|May 5, 2021

    Homecoming at La Conner schools will be earlier than usual this year. That is true, at least, for the district’s new assistant principal and athletics director. School Board members last week hired La Conner alum Christine Bruffy Tripp, currently the principal at Concrete High School, to return to her alma mater starting July 1. The board decision was unanimous, with member Lynette Bruffy Cram – Tripp’s sister – recusing herself from the vote. Tripp previously served an administrative internship at La Conner schools, middle and hig...

  • Native American mascots in schools limited by legislature

    Bill Reynolds|Apr 14, 2021

    State lawmakers have decided the time has long since passed that use by public schools of Native American sports mascots goes unchecked. And on that score La Conner schools, home of the Braves, has already proved ahead of the game. The local school district has an established history of responding to Swinomish Tribal Community requests regarding imagery portraying Native Americans, most notably the decision several years ago to substitute an interlocking L and C for tribal caricatures as the school logo. That kind of collaboration is what...

  • Forsythe, Nelson school superintendent finalists

    Bill Reynolds|Mar 31, 2021

    Narrowing the field is not the sole domain of college basketball this month. La Conner school board members last weekend chose two finalists from among 21 applicants for the district’s superintendent position, the last step in a process that began last fall. David Forsythe, assistant superintendent of operations at Northwest Educational Services District #189, which serves 35 public school entities and 170,000 students in Skagit, Island, San Juan, Snohomish and Whatcom counties, and Will N...

  • BREAKING: Community meetings discuss school superintendent candidates

    Ken Stern|Mar 28, 2021

    The public is encouraged to attend community meetings 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, March 29-30 to meet and interview the finalist candidates for superintendent of the La Conner School District in the Bruce Performing Arts Center Auditorium and Zoom.. Each finalistwill beon campus for events scheduled 8 a.m.-7 p.m. with staff,Swinomish Tribal Senators, an open public community meeting and an executive session with the board. David Forsythe, assistant director from NWESD 189 in Anacortes returns Monday.Will Nelson, director of equity, Arlington...

  • First school board in-person meeting in year

    Bill Reynolds|Mar 10, 2021

    The La Conner School Board held a special meeting Monday that lived up to its name. It was termed “special” because it opened with a walking tour of the campus. What was truly special came next. The members convened their first in-person meeting in a year – since the COVID-19 pandemic forced closure of schools statewide last March and led the board to conduct its public sessions on the Zoom tele-conferencing platform. Masked and socially distanced, board members met in the district administration building to hear updates on La Con...

  • La Conner school levy wins big

    Ken Stern|Feb 17, 2021

    Interim La Conner schools Superintendent Rich Stewart and school district voters have given a giant present to students, staff, parents and the yet-to-be-chosen new school superintendent: an overwhelming, 71% yes vote in the Feb. 9 election for a four year replacement educational programs and operations levy. Most of the remaining ballots were counted Thursday. In La Conner, 361 more yes votes were in the additional 542 ballots. The Concrete Schools renewal levy for educational programs and operations won with 57.9% of the vote, as did the two...

  • Bus riders return to school with protocols in place to curb virus spread

    Bill Reynolds|Feb 17, 2021

    La Conner Schools is back on the road to in-person instruction. The proof is in the familiar yellow buses that have begun picking up and delivering students along a half-dozen routes in the school district. The buses began rolling Feb. 1 as students in lower grades returned to campus under a plan that will see older students gradually phased into La Conner Elementary by the end of the month. The sight of school buses with flashing lights on La Conner area roads is fairly common, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made necessary an even greater...

  • La Conner Schools staff vaccinated at Swinomish

    Bill Reynolds|Feb 10, 2021

    The push to re-open schools during the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a national call that teachers, administrators and support staff be vaccinated as they return to campus. A partnership between La Conner schools and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community has made that happen locally. Swinomish health team members administered vaccines to around 100 La Conner Schools employees last Wednesday, midway point of the first week students in lower elementary grades returned to campus. Swinomish Health Administrator Jennifer LaPointe teamed with La...

  • La Conner’s schools: The superintendent’s 2020-2021 report

    Rich Stewart|Jan 27, 2021

    Oprah Winfrey is quoted as saying, “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” Our School District is in the process of another change, which means there is an impact on our community as well. The La Conner School District has set a target date of February 1 to begin bringing students back to school. This will be a phased approach starting with pre-first grade students in a hybrid model; the details are on the La Conner School District website. We are hopeful that by the end of...

  • School levy promoted via Zoom

    Bill Reynolds|Jan 20, 2021

    Interim superintendent Rich Stewart has been a virtual presence around greater La Conner in recent days. Stewart, who assumed the district helm last July, has given a series of Zoom presentations to the Town Council, Swinomish Tribal Senate and local service organizations and residents, outlining the upcoming La Conner Schools replacement levy proposal. The Feb. 9 ballot measure seeks to collect $1.45 per $1,000 assessed taxable property value, a five-cent decrease from the rate district voters approved in 2019, Stewart explained to Council...

  • Teaching art remotely a creative endeavor

    Bill Reynolds|Jan 6, 2021

    Going digital has been the norm in public education since the COVID-19 pandemic forced classes on-line last spring. But within the La Conner Schools art department the learning curve has been less steep. District tech director Ryan Hiller brought a digital art class into the curriculum several years ago and last September veteran art teacher Patty Weber began teaching a technical art class on distance education platforms. Weber, who majored in Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Oregon,...

  • February levies for three local school districts

    Ken Stern|Jan 6, 2021

    Residents from the La Conner, Concrete and Mount Vernon school districts have a Feb. 9 special election to renew school levies. The districts need to continue local funding for educational programs and operations (EPO). The La Conner School Board voted in November to ask voters to approve a four-year, $1.45 per $1,000 in assessed valuation, a decrease from the $1.50 per $1,000 collected under the two-year levy voters passed in 2019. The funds will pay for school programs and services and non-capital expenses not fully funded by the state,...

  • Superintendent’s letter to the community

    Dec 23, 2020

    Dear Parents and Guardians, When I began as La Conner’s superintendent in July and August, we faced a decision about how to safely serve our La Conner students during the COVID emergency. In late August, the school board approved a remote learning plan that indicated we would not make any major changes in our remote service model until the trimester or semester. We have followed that plan. With the escalation of the number of infection rates, currently over 350 per 100,000 county resients, it looked like we would need to remain remote longer. F...

  • Students back-in-school plan heard by Board

    Bill Reynolds|Dec 23, 2020

    Before COVID-19, Back to School was a late summer ad campaign. But now, with winter having arrived, the key issue remains the conditions for making schools safe enough for students to return on a limited basis. La Conner Schools, like districts around the nation, has conducted on-line instruction this fall to stem spread of the coronavirus. Just how much longer that format will remain in place remains unclear, but key decisions could be made next month. They were discussed at the Dec. 14 teleconferenced La Conner School Board meeting. Based on...

  • School superintendent search update

    Bill Reynolds|Dec 9, 2020

    During a 90-minute Zoom meeting Monday, La Conner School Board Members heard results of public focus group sessions on the status of the district, then began setting a salary range for the next superintendent. Consultants Mark Venn and Dr. Wayne Robertson said about 100 focus group participants identified district strengths and challenges and the attributes the public values in a superintendent. “There was a lot of really good feedback,” Venn said of the teleconferenced meetings. “We had a wide range of groups, from alumni to the Chamber of Co...

  • La Conner Schools February levy proposal covers four years

    Bill Reynolds|Nov 25, 2020

    La Conner School Board members were in a thankful mood Monday and hope to be so again in February when voters consider a four-year replacement educational programs and operations levy totaling $4,036,344. Acting on recommendations from a levy election committee co-chaired by La Conner alums Robert Hancock and Jerry Carr, the board, during a 90-minute Zoom meeting, unanimously approved a resolution putting the ballot measure before school district voters on Feb. 9, 2021. If approved, the levy rate on taxable property would be $1.45 per $1,000...

  • Construction class builds future virtually

    Bill Reynolds|Nov 4, 2020

    Normal life has been hammered hard by COVID-19. But the virus crisis, which led La Conner Schools to adopt a distance learning model this semester, is not stopping construction class students from continuing to build their projects. More important, the pandemic is also teaching them how to build lifelong problem-solving skills. Credit La Conner High shop teacher Daniel Castillo with laying the foundation to help his students overcome obstacles related to virtual classrooms and technology dependence. “When we come to technology challenges or lif...

  • La Conner schools awarded $30,950 CARES funds from County

    Oct 28, 2020

    The Board of Skagit County Commissioners will award a total of $989,000 to schools and districts serving Skagit County students to assist with costs of distance learning and safe reopening during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by Congress earlier this year provided funding to the County to assist with COVID-19 related concerns and expenses in the community. The County has awarded funding to public and private schools serving Skagit County students based on student headcounts...

  • La Conner High students schooled at state legislature

    Bill Reynolds|Oct 28, 2020

    Timing in life is everything. Before the COVID-10 pandemic led schools, colleges, and universities to shift courses to on-line instruction, a trio of La Conner High students were able to use the State Capitol as their government classroom. MacQuaid Hiller and siblings James and Mia Carlton served as legislative pages in Olympia, filling wide-ranging roles vital to making the lawmaking process more efficient. Hiller and the Carltons each spent a week last winter helping distribute legislative amendments and related material throughout the...

  • La Conner superintendent search starting

    Oct 21, 2020

    At its mid-month study session the La Conner School Board chose Northwest Leadership Associates as the consulting firm to lead the search for a new district superintendent. The in-state firm received the nod over McPherson & Jacobson, a leading national consulting company. “This is our number one job, to select a new superintendent,” board president Susie Gardner Deyo stressed during the panel’s video-conferenced study session on Oct. 12. Deyo was joined by board members Lynette Cram, John Agen, and Amanda Bourgeois. J.J. Wilbur missed the s...

  • La Conner student enrollment up

    Bill Reynolds|Oct 7, 2020

    Numbers related to the COVID-19 pandemic have rarely been kind. But La Conner Schools last week realized a rare exception to that trend when the district reported to the state an enrollment of a fraction more than 597 full time equivalent (FTE) students, 12 more than was budgeted prior to the start of fall semester. State funding support is based on FTE data, so the school district will receive more state monies than anticipated. An FTE student is one who spends six hours per day with the school district, La Conner Schools Superintendent Rich...

  • New school superintendent search getting underway

    Bill Reynolds|Sep 30, 2020

    Two consulting firms wanting to help lead the search for a new La Conner Schools superintendent made their pitches to school board members during near hour-long Zoom presentations Monday night. Neither missed the mark. As a result, the board postponed at least until its Oct. 12 study session choosing which will lead the perhaps six months process. “I thought both firms did a good job presenting,” board president Susie Gardner Deyo said of the Northwest Leadership Associates spokesmen Mark Venn and Dr. Wayne Robertson and McPherson & Jac...

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