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The Swinomish Tribal Senate has announced that it will adopt a property tax law that applies to leased tribal trust land.
The Swinomish Indian Senate, the governing body of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, has established a working group of Tribal Senators and staff to develop a property tax law that would apply to leased trust land within the Swinomish Reservation. The property tax would be considered for adoption as Tribal law by the Senate.
“There is a consensus among the Senate members that the Swinomish Tribe will adopt a property tax law,” said Swinomish Chairman Brian Cladoosby. “We have waited decades for this opportunity to raise revenue to help pay the costs of the essential governmental services that the Tribe has long-provided to Reservation residents, such as law enforcement, public safety and road maintenance.”
The Senate’s action complements the decision Tuesday by Skagit County Commissioners to remove more than 900 structures on leased trust from theCountyAssessor’s rolls. The
Commissioners’ decision implements the recent decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Great Wolf Lodge case.
“Swinomish was not a part of the Great Wolf Lodge case,” said Chairman Cladoosby. “But we are thankful for the favorable ruling of the Court of Appeals, and the opportunity that is now available to the Swinomish Senate to exercise our sovereignty and establish a Tribal property tax code.”
Swinomish Senators and staff have already met with leaders and staff fromSkagitCountyand the La Conner School District to discuss the Great Wolf Lodge decision. “This is a complex issue, and our meetings with the County andSchool Districthave been constructive,” said Chairman Cladoosby.
“I anticipate that the Swinomish working group will continue those communications at appropriate times as the Tribe develops its property tax code.”
The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community is a federally recognized Indian Tribe with more than 900 members. Swinomish is a signatory to the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott and is the legal successor in interest to the Samish, Kikialus,Lower Skagitand Swinomish aboriginal bands. Its 10,000 acre reservation is located 65 miles North of Seattle, Washington onFidalgoIslandand includes approximately 3000 acres of tidelands.
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