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Skagit Co. Sheriff's Office POLICE BLOTTER

Monday July 25

2:10 p.m.: Car crunch – A minor car accident at Pioneer Market, La Conner occurred when a driver backed up incorrectly.

4:04 p.m.: Not local – Two homeless men, ages 49 and 65, were in La Conner for two days. They were contacted by police at several places and moved along. One man was eventually taken to the hospital and the other returned to Anacortes.

Tuesday July 26

7:55 p.m.: Car nap – A 57-year-old transient man was sleeping in his van in front of the Coffee Shack Co. alongFir Island Road inConway. He left before deputies arrived. This was reported as an alcohol problem.

Wednesday July 27

5:45 p.m.: Cousin collision – Two cousins, ages 18 and 22, were arguing at 900 blockMaple Avenue, La Conner. They split up before deputies arrived.

8:54 p.m.: Return items – A 22-year-old man requested help to get his items back from a family member at 900 blockMaple Avenue, La Conner.

10:22 p.m.: Lost wallet– A 45-year-old man lost his wallet atPioneerPark, La Conner.

Thursday July 28

7:59 a.m.: Door askew – A door was found unlocked at Nasty Jack’s, La Conner and there was no break-in — it was apparently accidentally left open.

8:18 a.m.: Car break-in – A parked car at Swinomish Golf Links, Anacortes was broken into.

3:56 p.m.: Homeless – A caller was concerned about the welfare of a homeless man sleeping at March’s Point, Anacortes each night. He was using a sleeping bag and had a bike — deputies were unable to locate him.

10:56 p.m.: Homeless – Deputies contacted a 31-year-old homeless man living in his car at March’s Point park-and-ride in Anacortes. He said he was going to leave that morning.

Friday July 29

11:00 a.m.: Child safety – Deputies checked a residence atS. Third Street, La Conner for possible child abuse of a 5-year-old.

Sunday July 31

8:40 a.m.: Found item – A Craftsman weed trimmer was found leaning against a tree by a deputy atPioneerPark, La Conner.

3:31 p.m.: Public intoxication – A 58-year-old man was drunk atGilkey Square, La Conner. Deputies gave him a ride home.

9:35 p.m.: Splat cat – A house cat was hit by a car at Pioneer Parkway, La Conner near theRainbowBridge. Swinomish police responded to the situation.


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