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Quality government

Local government is as good as the quality of our public officials, and the quality of the electorate.

If you want better govern-ment, quality people need file for public office, and an enlightened electorate needs elect those who file for the right reasons; i.e. to serve, and not for the “title” or the “benefits”.

Have you thought about enhancing your City Council, Mayor, School Board, Port Commission, Fire Commission, Drainage Commission, Ceme-tery Commission, etc.?

Think about becoming involved in local government; as the quality of respective governments, and the level of taxes depend on quality public officials.

One does not need be an expert on a particular government, but one does need an interest beyond themselves; coupled with morality and virtue: Life is a series of learning experiences, and one learns by doing; “on the job”.

Reminder: “All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.” Article 1, Section 1, Washington State Constitution.

We are the government, and our government is only as good as those involved.

Filings occur the week of May 15-19.

Roger Pederson

Bay View


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