Your independent hometown award-winning newspaper

Paper's Founders: Thanks

Dear Editor:

Cindy, Sandy, and the late Wayne Everton took a defunct weekly newspaper and made it into an Award-Winning Newspaper!

Thank you.

The La Conner School District, La Conner Town, Chamber of Commerce, Fire Districts, subscribers, etc. have been fortunate they had the skills and knowledge to provide us quality news coverage in the La Conner Weekly News: Each brought their respective newspaper skills and community and institutional knowledge to depict the news, charm and character of the La Conner region.

Cindy and Sandy, you were trusted and admired by your subscribers for you reported the news fairly and straight-forwardly. Thereby, you set a high standard for the new publisher, Ken Stern.

Hopefully, the two of you, along with others, will help Ken gain the community and institutional knowledge needed to continue quality news coverage; including Sandy’s investigative reporting.

A community is as good as its people, their intra-communication, and the quality of their local newspaper.

“Thank you, again” Cindy and Sandy.

May the La Conner region continue to be blessed with exceptional journalism.

Roger Pederson

Mount Vernon

Editors’s note: Wayne Everton, former La Conner mayor, died in 2010. He had not been affiliated with the Weekly News since May 2007.


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