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Musings -- on the editor's mind

The truth is that the “Yes, Virginia” editorial is the single most reprinted editorial in history. Why?

Maybe because it is generous, caring, and forward looking, even to the next 10,000 years.

Is the editorial fake news? No. Is it true? It is capital-T True, which is what we have to be when we are speaking to children, telling personal truths and offering truths of character and of integrity.

As a publisher, I have no doubts: there is no fake news: There are only truth and lies. Yes, papers make mistakes galore. I am an expert at mistakes and already have a long record of having them in print. But even when I am in error, the news you read here is not fake.

But I digress.

In this season of hope, and therefore compassion, reflecting on the truth of Santa Claus offers pause for the bigness or smallness of character in ourselves (where as Shakespeare noted, our faults lie), in our public discourse and in our leaders.

I don’t need my leaders to champion Santa Claus, but I do need a president – my subject now named – who defines leadership by example through the integrity of his character. In fact, if our president championed Santa Claus as the New York Sun did in 1897, with compassion and an open heart, I would think him a caring and inclusive person.

If President Trump came on national TV and said of Santa Claus: “He lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood” I would be shocked. But once I got over the surprise, I would reflect on the spirit of a man with that generosity of spirit.

Consider instead: Why is our president so angry so much of the time? Could it be that his heart is two sizes too small?

Literature is about metaphors. But whether it is the Grinch or Scrooge or the president of the United States, I will wager capital T Truth that any of our hearts can grow three sizes in one day.

The Truth of that can be read in any decent newspaper that is paying attention to its readers.


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