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2018 Outlook - Message from the mayor

In my 11th year as mayor I can honestly say that I am a much different person than when I started. Thank you for the opportunity to represent you throughout the county, state and national levels.

As we enter 2018, La Conner has so much of which to be thankful. We live in one of the most beautiful communities in the country and are blessed to have an eclectic group of neighbors and friends that create a dynamic and wonderful atmosphere.

Over the past decade the town has been focused on projects. Of course, the most visible project has been the La Conner boardwalk. In order to achieve this there were both technical and political issues that had to be overcome. Technically, several communities throughout Washington tried and failed to get an over-salt-water boardwalk fully permitted. After several attempts, thanks to our former administrator/planner, we were successful in acquiring the necessary permits.

Finding the money for the boardwalk was my job. After years of courting elected officials, forming a lobbying group with County Commissioner Ron Wesson and the Skagit Council of Governments, the boardwalk was finally financed by direct appropriations from the state’s capital budget due to the actions of state senators Mary Margaret Haugen and Barbara Bailey. La Conner owes so much to these great ladies. There is a whole other story that should be told of major political opponents who came together for the good of La Conner and made the boardwalk happen.

La Conner’s public works department has been very successful acquiring infrastructure grants over the past decade. In many ways, La Conner has become a victim of our own success regarding the acquisition of these grants. Most require a match (the boardwalk did not) and that has diminished town resources. The good news is these resources were set aside for exactly the purposes for which they’ve been used and we have wonderful infrastructure to show for our money.

2018 will be a year of replenishment and focusing a large amount of resources toward replacing vital water lines. 2018 will also give new members of La Conner’s management team the time necessary to smoothly transition into their jobs.

In addition, the town has increased its 2018 investment in La Conner Hook and Ladder, formerly known as the La Conner Fire Department. The new name is a reflection of our history and came at the request of the volunteers. We are blessed to have a vibrant and extremely dedicated department. They are truly worthy of your support, and, in many ways, along with the La Conner schools, are the heart and soul of our community.

There is much more that can be spoken of here, but I will end with this: La Conner will continue to work with all its partners wherever and whenever it can in 2018 for the betterment of our coveted community and the Skagit Valley as a whole.

-- Ramon Hayes, Mayor


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