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Is anybody listening?

Once again I am writing in regard to yet another tragic shooting, this time at Parkland, Florida. Here we have a misguided and troubled young man taking the lives of so many students and teachers. Our schools that nurture the process of learning are being turned into “war zones”. What will it take for our elected representatives to act?

I have to ask, how is a known disturbed teenager be allowed to legally purchase an assault weapon (AR-15) on the open market? That is a firearm that was designed for military use with no other purpose than to kill people. This is not a sporting weapon and not for home protection. It should be illegal to sell and for the general public to own such weapons.

After the horrific shootings in Las Vegas I took the time to write to our representatives, Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, and Rick Larson, strongly urging them to act on gun control legislation. To this day, I have had no response from their offices. Are they or will they do anything about this enormous problem?

Rob Longworth, La Conner


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