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Trump will triumph

Editor Ken Stern:

We were underwhelmed by your August 1st editorial “Damn democracy!” As you stated in the editorial your paper’s publisher is competent, has character and integrity and cares passionately about his country. With such credentials I am sure the News would want their readers to hear the support side for our sitting president.

America is in the midst of a culture-political civil war. it is a fight over our very identity as a people.

For decades, this conflict has been fought quietly in city halls, classrooms, school boards, courtrooms, town squares and state houses across the country. However, the election of our present president has clarified the battle lines in this struggle and elevated these individual fights into a united national conflict MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

On one side of this conflict is a factional anti-Trump coalition, a strange amalgam of radicals, liberals, globalists, establishment elites from both parties, and blatantly anti-American groups loosely held together by their hostility to and distain for the president and the country.

On the other side is Trump’s America - the millions of hardworking people who are united by respect for our foundational freedoms, traditional values and history of limited commonsense


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