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Taha offers Freeholder position

As your Freeholder I would offer the following three points and commitments. First, I’m experienced. I know organizations – large and small, and I know people.

Second, I’m committed to inclusion in the decision-making process: all groups and all peoples.

Third, and most important, I want redistricting which only the charter can give us. Under the current system, Anacortes is the 900 lb. gorilla. If all the four smaller jurisdictions voted the same way, we would not be heard. Anacortes has 11,000 or more voters. All the small jurisdictions have 3,000 or more voters. This is not good government and I bet even the Anacortes voters would agree.

So, let’s vote the Charter in and vote for me as your Freeholder.

Shani Taha

District 1, Position 3


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