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Musings - on the editor's mind

What defines a patriot? Aren’t patriots champions of the ideals of their country, putting their neighbors, the entire populace, ahead of themselves, ready to defend woman and children, the most vulnerable, against all foes? The highest patriots are beyond political party and partisanship.

People, then, can be patriotic, loyal to their country, the Constitution, the land, the great outdoors, all our confounded history and also be nonpartisan critics of the president of the United States.

Of course, there are partisan critics, which is what it means to be in opposition, as are those viewing the world through the prism of the Democratic Party. They are, like the president himself, seeking partisan advantage.

It is possible to have a clear, critical analysis of President Trump, without being partisan, isn’t it? One can have a detailed criticism of spumoni ice cream without being accused of being a shill for either vanilla or chocolate, right? Those tea party activists, the original ones named for dumping tea in Boston Harbor, they were dissidents against the established order. A loyalist was one pledging fealty to King George in that time period..

So a patriot, by our historical bloodline, challenges the established reins of power, sees through the status quo and disdains those who seek to divide us into partisan factions.

It seems that “unity” and “all for one and one for all” would be the natural battle cries of our most dedicated patriots, those who act first, even before the mass of the citizenry has determined their position. It is acting for the silent majority, championing our common humanity, putting people ahead of every issue or cause.


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