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Kirsch property public potential "golden"

Where the city council sees an eyesore, we see a golden opportunity yet to be developed. Where the city council sees ready cash, we see another loss to the character of LaConner. The realtor in this transaction sees ready cash, too. Who benefits from this sale? Not the citizens, not our visitors, not our future generations.

Why do people value living in LaConner? Why do people visit LaConner? Shops and ice cream cones can be found all over the Valley.

To borrow a political phrase, “It’s the waterfront, stupid.” For the city council to sell off a piece of waterfront that belongs to everyone to enjoy, even if it is now just the expansive views of the channel, is short sighted. Public waterfront access is limited, and becoming more limited to the lower and middle class families every day. That reminds us, whatever happened to the assured public waterfront access at the Channel Lodge?

Richard and Susan Widdop

La Conner


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