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Kindness challenge

Dear readers,

Living in this valley for over 40 years I am still in “ahh” at how beautiful it is here. We are so lucky to be able to live in this small little town. There is a sense of peace, security and a feeling of community.

I am told that it takes 21 days of doing something to make it a habit. So, I challenge you (and if you are reading this, that means you) to take time to do random acts of kindness. Pay attention to your surroundings. It can be something small like call your mom and tell her you love her. Help someone put their groceries in their car. Smile at someone, give someone a compliment, or it could be bigger.

You see the neighbors painting their fence, you go over and help them without getting paid. Having lunch and you see someone sitting by themselves, pay for their lunch.

I believe we are all in this together and the more we help each other out the easier it will be for all of us.

Someone who cares.

Jo Mitchell

La Conner


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