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Caring about cats

To whom it might concern:

I must respond to yet another letter to the editor concerning the population growth of feral cats in La Conner.

These wonderful girls are not targeting pets at large, but a specific “family” in my own back yard, a momma and her five three-month old kittens and [they will soon be] old enough to reproduce, as well as [her becoming a] momma, again.

I support and applaud their efforts and goals to educate the population on a very real problem in our community.

Please remember, your indoor and outdoor cats prey on our wild birds. Hawks, coyotes and raccoons find cats an easy target.

Before you judge, get all the facts!

P.S. My cat hasn’t been outdoors in ten years and he is very happy.


R. S.

La Conner

[letters require a phone number and must be typed. This had neither – editor’s note]


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