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Polite Trump criticism

I want to congratulate our wonderful friend Clara Duff for the magnificent letter in last week’s paper. Everything she had to say was right on and said with such grace.

I am not that gracious and not a Democrat but rather a Webster Liberal. For those under 35 years of age, google “Webster.”

Trump has been a disaster for the environment and for the economy. Also in every other area that I can think of; but that’s another topic for another day.

Climate is always changing but as population has increased and the use of fossil fuels skyrocketed the state of the climate has dramatically and continually worsened. Even the Department of Defense has labeled climate change as our biggest security problem.

The EPA was established by the Nixon administration shortly after “Silent Spring” was published; it was a start. The Vietnam war overrode all else for many years until finally Carter was friendly to the environmental causes. Reagan set back the environmental progress at least a decade with Bush and Shrub little better. Progress was made under Clinton with Obama increasing the actions to curb the destruction of our climate. Fortunately cities and states are making progress to try to reverse or mange the speed of the change.

I know that Trump promised to undo every single action that Obama took but someone needs to say. “Wait a minute this is not going to be good for anyone.” Yet every day a new action is taken that proves how dumb he is.

Let me ask those who voted for Trump: If you were interviewing candidates to be your child’s nanny and a person came who had six convictions for pedophilia would you hire him? That is exactly what these voters have done regarding the economy. Trump has at least six bankruptcies. Do you know what that means? He is not a good businessman nor capable of making the right money decisions. It also means that many people got screwed; getting nothing for their labor or products.

Have you filled your gas tank this week or tried to renew a CD? Both headed the wrong way. Why would you expect Trump to do any better with the economy of the greatest nation on earth?

This is the only conclusion that I can reach. Those who voted for Trump or will vote for him do not care about the future of their children or grandchildren!

Allen Elliott



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