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Tribe supports youth

I am long overdue in expressing my thanks to our local community and the Swinomish Tribal Community for supporting the youth of La Conner. A little over three years ago my then junior high daughter came home from a Young Life summer camp and expressed it was one of the best weeks of her life. She was then able to experience this magic again as a high school student when she attended the high school camp.

Each year I watched as a bus full of somewhat withdrawn middle and high school students departed La Conner and then watched amazed when that same bus returned a week later full of laughing, talking and joy-filled students.

Thank you to the dedicated group of adults who have worked to promote Young Life in our community for many years and a huge thank you again to the Swinomish Tribe and all community members who donate to make a difference in lives of our youth. Many students would not be able to attend without financial help and I have seen firsthand how life changing and positive this organization is for youth in our community.

Gratefully yours,

Debbie Wylie Thulen

La Conner


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