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Women and the Constitution

In response to last week’s letter: “Part II: 19th Amendment Centennial 4,000 years and counting”:

It would be interesting to see the list of elevated women prior to the great religions. I found no references in searching the web. I did find in Greek and Roman society woman were lesser than slaves.

Judaism stresses that in the home a husband and wife are equal. Outside of the home was mostly dominate by men. However, the 4th judge of Israel was a woman, Deborah 12th century BCE, who maintained peace in Israel for 40 years. In reading the old and New Testament you find numerous women who are great examples for any person man or women to emulate.

Islam was started by Muhammad, who worked for Khaija a wealthy woman and trader managing her own commercial dealing. She became his first wife and is considered the mother of Islam. She was instrumental in persuading Muhammad to accept Allah’s calling. Oh, she proposed to Muhammad which is unusual even today. A little research also finds numerous women to emulate in the Islam history.

As for non-ratified amendments to the Constitution:

  • Article the first, (Congressional Appointment) 1789-2020 = 231 years
  • Title of Nobility Amendment 1810-2020 = 210 years
  • Corwin Amendment 1861-2020 = 159 years
  • ERA is a mere 97 years. It has a long time yet.

Has Society kept women inferior over the centuries? Yes, but do not blame it on the misinterpretation of the greatest moral codes in the history of the earth. The blame is the fear of both sexes to allow people to grow to their ultimate glory.

Michael J. Hennessey

La Conner


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