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“Cancer” editorial over top

This one is more than a bit “over the top”, even for this editor (Sept. 9 editorial). Sad that this article has no balance, no civility and no truth. I wasn’t born yesterday, so I have long experience of watching, hearing, discerning truth from error, false from genuine. A close friend recently commented to me: What the left claims the president and others on the right are doing, is instead, exactly what they are doing. I started paying attention to that claim and found it to be true. I have even heard others comment this is happening. There must be a word in the world of psychology for this.

A few things I have observed and everyone paying any attention has observed: There is a deep anger, hatred, toward this president, like nothing I have ever witnessed.

Impeachment was mentioned even before Trump was elected.

I have been appalled by hatred expressed by Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and more in the lost Democratic party.

I say lost because the party has lost its moral compass (have you read their platform? – do you really believe its ok to kill a baby being born?), its patriotic compass (the party now comes first and foremost instead of the country), its ability to lose an election and remain respectful to the office and the people who voted to put that nominee in that office.

I will vote for President Trump again. I believe in my soul that he is the right person at this time in our beloved nation. So what is said, in hatred, disrespect and even violence against this president, and was also exhibited against Justice Kavanaugh, is applied to me as a citizen and a voter. I respect your right to your opinion and vote. But I implore all the decent Democrats and liberals to please remember we are all Americans. Those in leadership in the Democratic party have departed from the party of Truman, Roosevelt and Kennedy.

We need two parties. I pray the good people in the Democrat party will be objective in bringing this party back to civility, tolerance and truth.

Nancy Burlison

Shelter Bay


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