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Democrats do same evil things

A citizen’s view —

I believe a response to recurrent editorial comments and especially the “A citizen’s view” guest column of Sept. 30th, “A plea for the future” is warranted.

You, dear reader, will not recognize your country, your government and what the future holds if the Democrats succeed in winning this next election!

It is hard to believe that seemingly educated, well-informed people are regurgitating what they repeatedly hear and accept as fact in the patently biased mainstream media. Today, the media is blatantly protecting and overtly covering up for Joe Biden and other Democrats with their bogus poll data, false propaganda and outright lies obviously fomenting continued divisiveness, and as is their goal, playing the American people for fools.

It is absolutely appalling to hear the media’s repeated lies about riots as “peaceful protests,” lies about what the president was alleged to have said, e.g., accusations of him being a racist or anti-military and somehow personally responsible for everything negative happening in this country. But no recognition or anything positive is said for any of the good things he has accomplished! Yet it is the Democrats themselves who have been doing the very same evil things of which they accuse the president.

The COVID-19 virus has spread from China to countries all over the world and has adversely affected millions of people. No one has been able to effectively stop it and it certainly is not the president’s fault that it happened. The president stepped in with travel bans, activated federal supply resources and taken positive action within his power. It is state and local politicians that have blown it!

The reality is, Joe Biden has a long history of corruption his party and their media friends wish to hide, and it is obvious that he is sliding into frequent cognitive deficit. The Biden family, among others, is arguably one of the most corrupt families in America. Kamala Harris is, by reputation, the most radical and power-hungry senator imaginable. And these two are offered up unapologetically as our next potential Democratic leaders?

Ask yourself what you wish for! Read the “manifesto” that socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders has created a la Venezuela, Cuba and Russia et al re implementing “The Green New Deal” bill (co-sponsored by Sen. Harris), promising “free” this and that with higher taxes to pay for them, and which was adopted by the Democrat Party and is now endorsed by Biden/Harris (NY Post).

We, the people, are responsible for the future of this country – for our freedoms, our liberty, our constitution and rallying for the truth. Especially since the radical element aspiring to power in the Democrat Party is the true virus bent on undermining the Constitution and destroying this country as we know it.

This election is indeed about the future of this country! Be aware, be educated and be informed and above all, do not let a one-sided, totally biased media influence your thinking.

Elliot is retired from her 35 year career as an R.N. operating room nurse. She lives in greater La Conner.


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