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Vote Republican if that is your belief

October 7 paper, A citizen’s view, by Maryon Attwood’s “A citizen’s view: Washington’s GOP is now the Party of Trump,” Oct. 7 Weekly News) was – very interesting. So, am I supposed to vote for Dems , or just not vote at all, if I live in the 10th district, and give credence to Ms. Attwood’s opinion and advice? Hmmm. When did the writer change from Republican to Democrat, and why?

Personally, I was neither, and voted both sides until Bill and Hillary Clinton showed up. I then had to search the platforms of both parties to discern which fit my personal standards and my core belief system. To my own self I needed to be true, not to a political party.

I respect the right of Ms.

Attwood to believe what she does.

I do not believe she is correct in her assessment of the Washington GOP. So, to her I say: vote the way you believe.

I will do the same.

I deeply respect the past presidency of Ronald Reagan.

I also deeply respect the current Presidency of Donald Trump.

As I read Ms.

Attwood’s article, I was struck by the impertinent attitude expressed.

The complaints in the lower part of the article speak loudly of the talking points repeatedly rehearsed, daily, by the liberals and far left. Why these deceptions? It is called deflection (and done) in order to make the president and Republicans look like something we are not; and cover up the actual facts which would prove damning to the Democratic Party.

Nancy Burlison

Shelter Bay


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