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Skagit County funds rent and utility assistance during COVID-19 pandemic

Skagit County announced another round of assistance funds with the availability of $8.9 million in rent and utility assistance for Skagitonians impacted by COVID-19 April 2. This grant was provided by the Washington State Department of Commerce and funded by Treasury Rent Assistance Program (T-RAP). The program is to prevent evictions during the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis by paying past due and current/future rent and utilities for people needing relief.

The monies extend $2.2 million in funding from the Washington State Department of Commerce, and is funded by federal Coronavirus Aide, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) act dollars that will run out by the end of April.

Funding is available for either renters or landlords who have lost income due to COVID-19 and are struggling to pay or collect rent. An application for rental assistance may be submitted by either an eligible household or by a landlord on behalf of an eligible household.

Basic eligibility requirements are that a household is behind on or unable to pay current rent. Additionally, the household must also be low income, defined as 80 percent or below the Area Median Income (AMI) . For a household of two, AMI is $2,617 per month; for a family of four AMI is $3,267 per month. Households with an income at or below 50% of the AMI and households with one or more individual who have been unemployed for at least 90 days will be prioritized.

“With so little affordable housing in Skagit County, helping people stay stably housed is a priority,” said Kathleen Morton, Housing Manager at Community Action. “Landlords are some of our strongest allies in homelessness prevention, and we’re happy to help these important businesses stay afloat.”

Mary Escobar Wahl, T-RAP Manager with Catholic Community Services Farmworker center said, “The Farmworker Center is honored to partner with Skagit County in providing T-RAP funding to the local Indigenous /Latinx farmworker community members of Skagit Valley. We encourage people who have found themselves unemployed, or dealing with a reduction in paid hours, and who are struggling to pay rent or utilities to call in so we can determine whether you are eligible for T-RAP assistance.”

There is not enough funding to aid all Skagitonians who are likely to be eligible for the T-RAP program. It is estimated that T-RAP providers will be able to assist approximately 2,000 households with these funds. The program will operate until September 30, 2022 or until funds are exhausted. Any questions regarding the application should be directed to the servicing agency.

For questions about the program, call Skagit County Public Health at 360-416-1500.

Source: Skagit County government


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