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Filling vacant council position on regular meeting agenda
Friday Mayor Ramon Hayes notified the La Conner Town Council of a 5 p.m. Sept. 14 special meeting to discuss the public works and wastewater treatment plant sections of the 2022 budget. The meeting is in person at Maple Hall and via Zoom. The regular council meeting will follow at 6 p.m.
The 16 page special meeting packet has a five page memo from Town Administrator Scott Thomas addressing near term “necessary” improvements to the Town's wastewater treatment plant. It has five sections:
a. regulatory overview
b. nutrients
c. expansion and replacement
d. next steps
e. costs.
Following are nine pages of budget tables for public works covering parks, facilities, streets, water and drainage.
On the agenda of the regular council meeting is the council position vacancy. The meeting packet has a 14 page memo Thomas prepared that includes:
(1) A council vacancy application packet
(2) A council vacancy advertisement
(3) A vacancy policy
The council packets for the meeting are at Town Hall and the Town’s website:
To attend via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 891 0423 7 466
Passcode: XmQ11W
Phone number: 253-215-8782
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