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Vote for Bill Stokes

In the state’s online voter pamphlet, Rick Dole lists his experience as being a member of an HOA board in San Diego and says the HOA government “was almost identical to that of the Town of La Conner.”

Many town residents would like to keep La Conner like it is, and it is not anything like a Homeowners Association.

In the Action Ideas in his flyer, Rick Dole says he would “Explore Options for the Moore-Clark Property on South 1st St.” What is done with this building is strictly up to the property owner. Rick Dole has no control or influence over it. Over the many years, various property owners have proposed renovations, but none have proven financially feasible. Only someone who has not studied the issues would assume that.

Our family supports Bill Stokes, who has had many years of experience and is someone who knows the town and the issues that lie before us.

Please re-elect Bill Stokes.

Anna Borusinski

La Conner


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