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Vote to fill three town council seats- Ivan Carlson

Background and experiences

I was raised in La Conner and in turn am raising my family here with my wife, Tawsha. Together we started a local business named Carlson Painting Company. I have worked on the water for twelve years in a variety of positions from ordinary seaman to chief mate. I am also a fourth generation La Conner volunteer firefighter. I believe I would be a good fit for the La Conner Town Council because I have a younger perspective with a bedrock of local history.

Residents’ personal safety and security

Law enforcement is an ever changing dynamic in La Conner. I have seen the Town utilize municipal police, full time deputies and an 80 hour sheriff contract. I would like to see an accounting of the service hours to ensure transparency. I will explore federal grants to get closer to full time police coverage. Also, I will look at problem streets and intersections. I believe in security cameras at both entrances to town. I will ensure the fire department has the funding it needs to keep our volunteers safe and serving you.

Town approach to starter homes

This question is personal to most of us, myself included. My wife and I were fortunate enough to buy our first home in La Conner. It is 120 years old and needs serious work. Affordable housing is a complicated problem with complex solutions. We are not the only town with this problem. I have heard density mentioned as a solution. I don’t think it is a solution on its own. I question how many of the planned homes will be attainable for a first time buyer. If we are serious about addressing the lack of affordable housing we need to hire outside expertise with a proven track record for creatively helping similar communities.

Representing and communicating with residents

I will make myself available. I made my phone number public and I am always willing to listen. I will gather community input. Transparency in all leadership positions is important. It is something citizens feel they have not had with recent decisions such as the ball field.

Financial contribution for the La Conner Library

I support the La Conner Library as a community resource. As the operating budget will roughly double with the new facility I would like to see the town take a larger role in supporting the library. I welcome future talks between library representatives and the Town discussing what the library needs, what the town can provide and what other sources of funding are available.

Positioning La Conner for 2050

Our sewer treatment plant and waterlines are aging. We need to consider both the impacts of climate change and the advantages of sustainability as we repair our infrastructure. All decisions made should preserve the character of the town that we know and love.


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