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Shelter Bay Town Hall is for discussion

In the first paragraph of the article titled “Tracking Rainbow Park clearcut event history” (Weekly News, Dec. 15) this statement is incorrect: “The Shelter Bay Town Hall group is considering lawsuits and recalling board members.” While some may be considering such actions, it is not the Facebook Shelter Bay Town Hall group that is doing so.

I began the Town Hall group so I know the intent of the group. I assure everyone concerned that the intent is not to pursue lawsuits or to recall board members or to do anything that is biased or preferential.

The intent and purpose of the group is to provide a forum for discussions in which every member of the group is treated with civility and respect. I envision it to be a discussion forum that will persist beyond the issues we currently face. I am thus disheartened by the statement in the Weekly News that presents the group’s purpose incorrectly.

All residents of Shelter Bay are welcome to join the group and, if willing, to engage in discussions of importance to our Shelter Bay community.

Karla Ibsen

Shelter Bay

(correction noted, below – ed.)


The Shelter Bay Town Hall group was formed for open discussion. A separate private Shelter Bay group on Facebook, requesting anonymity, is considering legal action and recalls against the Shelter Bay board of directors. The editor regrets the error.


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