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Town’s “population goals”

I appreciate the inclusion of the “State of the Town” in the Jan. 5 Weekly News. It’s useful to hear the mayor’s thoughts in his own words. I hope you’ll ask him regularly for his views on other Town matters.

I am, however, concerned with these words: “The Town has been working to achieve its population goals with the creation of two new subdivisions .... .” My concern is with his reference to the Town’s population goals. I was not aware that the Town had population goals and, if we do, where they came from or for how they are to be met.

As a starter, I do not believe that the Town is behind in meeting the population growth targets set by the state Growth Management Act. So where do the Town’s population goals come from? In what other forum or process did the Town, or town, create population goals? And how was it decided that such a goal be met by new subdivisions?

I imagine if the community were to weigh in on the question of whether or not we should promote greater growth than is required by the GMA process, many would answer “no,” or at least, “let’s think about it.” And if we were to be required by GMA to accept greater growth, should we do so by encouraging subdivisions, as is cited by the mayor? Again, I believe the answer would be “no.”

It may be way too late, but it might be worthwhile to actually establish some population growth guidelines; and to involve the planning commission, the council and maybe even the residents in that process.

Bob Raymond

La Conner


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