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Town of La Conner passes resolution in support of Ukraine

Late U.S. House speaker Tip O’Neill famously said that all politics is local.

La Conner town officials have taken that adage a step farther with the council unanimously adopting an impassioned resolution drafted by Town Administrator Scott Thomas supporting Ukrainians in their spirited defense against the deadly Russian military campaign terrorizing their nation of 40 million people.

Dan O’Donnell, a retired U.S. Navy captain and past mayor, first suggested the town issue a resolution in support of Ukraine.

It’s not just any boilerplate resolution, either.

Thomas’ language was striking.

He started with a reference to the 1991 ballot measure following the fall of the Soviet Union, in which 90% of Ukrainian citizens voted for independence from Moscow. It notes the 2014 commercial flight shoot down by Russian soldiers or separatist fighters in eastern Ukraine, killing nearly 300 passengers.

It cites the U.S. House of Representatives resolution that “steadfastly, staunchly, proudly and fervently” supports the Ukrainian cause. The town resolution also alludes to a House conclusion that Russian forces have targeted civilians and non-military targets and thus have committed war crimes in Ukraine.

The 14-paragraph statement places blame for the death, destruction and subsequent refugee crisis that has forced an estimated two million Ukrainians from their homes on the shoulders of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

La Conner’s resolution points out that Russian citizens have taken to the streets to protest their nation’s military offensive in Ukraine, risking injury and or arrest to do so.

Thus, the town resolution pledges that La Conner will “take every action necessary to ensure that people of Russian origin will not be ostracized or discriminated against in any way as a result of the violent assault on Ukraine by the Putin regime.”

The resolution was read aloud, word for word, during the council’s one-hour March 8 Zoom session.

“I commend you, Scott, on a very well written resolution,” Mayor Ramon Hayes said afterward.

Hayes especially praised Thomas for the section absolving Russian citizens for the actions of their government and armed forces, reminding everyone that for four decades La Conner has enjoyed sister city status with Olga, Russia.

Council members echoed Hayes’ praise for Thomas’ work on the resolution.

“This hits my heart,” said Councilmember Mary Wohleb, “and I wholeheartedly support the resolution.”

“The Russian people are up in arms, at least a good percentage of them, at what’s going on,” Councilmember MaryLee Chamberlain said.

Hayes said that the resolution can be used to energize and encourage people to support relief efforts aiding refugees and other Ukrainians impacted by the Russian military campaign. Donations can be made to a relief fund at the local Washington Federal bank.

Hayes emailed a copy of the resolution to O’Donnell as soon as he received it from Thomas and town hall staff.

“He was very impressed with it,” Hayes said. “He said, ‘you guys have a really good staff up there.’ I told him, like I do with others, that the town is fortunate to have an attorney on its staff.”

Hayes said the next step is to share the resolution beyond La Conner town limits, Olympia for starters.

“My thinking,” Hayes explained, “is that perhaps we should send it to our state legislators.”


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