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Quick and Easy Frybread

My only New Year’s resolution this year was to learn to make frybread. Swinomish offered two classes and I signed up for the afternoon class. In Swinomish and among many tribes, you hit elder status at age 55. Besides myself, there were a few other elders in the class. Taught by Samish elder, Rosie James and assisted by her two daughters, Ginger and April James, both Swinomish. Oh my! I am delighted to say I successfully made frybread. Previous attempts over the years resulted in hardened fried biscuits. I learned a few tips to make them softer.


Self-rising flour, 4 cups

Evaporated milk, 1/4 to 1/3 cup

Warm water, 2-1/2 to 3 cups

Extra flour, 2 cups

Cooking oil, 8 cups

Cooking Utensils

Deep, wide fry pan

Large mixing bowl

Wood mixing spoon

Measuring cups

Water pitcher

Long tongs

Large aluminum pan

Paper towels, 3 pieces


Into a large mixing bowl, add the flour. Add the milk, in a wide circular pattern. Do not mix. Next slowly add 2 and ½ cups of warm water, starting along the edges of the bowl. Begin mixing all with the wood spoon. As the flour mixes in, change the technique to folding the dough, from the edges to the center, or folding completely over. Begin adding extra flour as you fold it in. You want a firm, sponge-like dough. Cover with a paper towel and allow to rise about 15 to 20 minutes. While it is rising, begin heating the oil. Set the burner to medium high, between the 6 and 8 setting. Test the oil with just a tiny pinch of dough. If it floats and begins to cook, the oil is ready.

To create the proper size of bread dough to fry, pinch pieces into a 3 inch ball. Pinch off pieces of dough between your thumb and fore finger. Using more flour, pat between your hands and then begin stretching the dough, turning it around and around. It is best to create fry bread shapes, one at a time. Using your fingers, place gently in the hot oil. As the edges begin to lightly brown, turn over. You can fry two or three pieces at a time. When done, place on the paper towel that you set in the bottom of the large aluminum pan. Best served warm. Toppings: honey, butter, jam, or homemade chili.


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