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Town seeks funds for Moore Clark area redevelopment

In submitting a $30,000 CBDG (Community Development Block Grant) proposal June 1, the Town of La Conner has taken a baby step toward restoration of the South First Street waterfront and old Moore Clark property.

If funded, a master plan will be prepared to determine future residential and economic development. An ambitious, nine component strategy is outlined, starting with creating a “plan that is achievable within a few years” with features that emphasize an optimal mix of commercial, dining, entertainment and residential use.

The Town proposes land use planning for “the development of living-wage jobs and housing,” the proposal states, through “the expansion of commercial activities, and the development of affordable worker housing.”

An “outcomes table” offers the goal of doubling to 20 acres from 10 acres the “area suitable for development of affordable housing” and making 80,000 square feet of commercial lease available from an existing 10,000 square feet.

This first phase planning will empower “town residents to improve their quality of life and environment through sound planning practices.”

The plan will jump-start the area’s commercial revitalization. Accomplishing that will “improve the quality of life and provide economic opportunities to Town residents” the proposal states.

The state CDBG program deploys federal funds targeted to benefit low- and moderate-income persons.


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