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Skagit County Police Blotter

Tuesday, July 5

5:02 a.m.: Toilet fireworks – Report of juveniles lighting off fireworks in a port-a-potty. Swinomish Tribal Police checked the area and they were gone. Similk Beach, Greater La Conner.

Wednesday, July 6

8:04 a.m.: Sunk at marina – An unoccupied boat docked at the marina took on water and became partially submerged. Port of Skagit workers responded and handled the incident. 2nd St., La Conner.

8:53 a.m.: Graffiti – Graffiti was marked on numerous buildings and businesses in the downtown area. Commercial St., La Conner.

Friday, July 8

2:48 p.m.: Stolen computer – Report of a computer that was scheduled to be delivered to a citizen’s house that never showed up. The delivery company is looking into where the computer is at. Best Rd., La Conner.

4:18 p.m.: Padilla Bay prowl – A vehicle parked at the Padilla Bay S Trailhead had its window broken and items were taken from inside. Bay View

Edison Rd., Bay View.

Saturday, July 9

11:34 p.m.: Midnight tunes – Loud music was being played on a car stereo in the apartment parking lot. The music was no long playing when a deputy arrived. Maple Ave., La Conner.


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