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Communications: just like tennis

I have a daughter who in her early teens was happy to sit hang out, or travel with me. She usually preferred to do so in near silence. I would say something, maybe an idle comment and she would smile silently and watch the scenery.

This was a little frustrating. I tried to accept it as normal for the age. However, I remained unsatisfied. I wanted to chat. I decided I needed a teaching aid, an analogy or metaphor, to illustrate the basics of communication. I found one, tennis.

“Genny, have you ever thought that hanging out with someone is like a friendly game of tennis?“


“One person says something, serves the ball so to speak and the other person receives the ball and hits it back.”

“Say what?”

“Genny, you have to hit the ball back That one didn’t even make it to the net.”


Not a win, but progress.

A friendly time on the tennis court is not an apt metaphor for La Conner Town Council or Commission meetings. Those meetings have a different set of rules, time concerns and processes to follow. There is very little opportunity for two-way communication. It leaves questions unanswered, opinions suppressed and great uncertainty as to what members actually believe or value. A lot of balls are served and few are hit back.

I’m wondering if once in a while Council members, Commissioners, staff and even department heads might make themselves available for chats with the citizens – like a friendly game of low-key tennis without linesmen or judges or fault lines. Maybe it’s not possible, But it sounds appealing. and may even be helpful for all.

Right, Genny?

Bob Raymond

La Conner


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