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Another consideration of the Shelter Bay board

“We will fail, / When we fail to try”

— Rosa Parks

A Message From the Dark Side … .

I am a woman from the “other side” as the writers put it in last week’s page 3 “Show of Support” display ad for some members of the Shelter Bay board (Weekly News, March 15).

I would like to make a few observations and comments in response.

A board in charge of representing nearly 1,000 homes is a huge job! I’m sure that no resident has ever demanded “perfection,” however, along with the honor and privilege of representing our communities it is also a great responsibility. A board member must be beyond reproach and work in the best interests of their community.

Personal interest has no place in our SB board. The Rainbow Park cost our residents $200,000! We were not informed of this. Instead, we found out. The home owner, a then-board member had his fines and expenses paid for by SB residents.

We, the “Dark Side,” have been referred to as “ill-informed.” Yes! We are left to research on our own, because our board will not release verifiable facts!

Our community is being left in the dark – web sites that take hours to sort through, emailed questions go unanswered, broad, general statements when we just need the facts! Many just give up. This is not an accusation – but a fact.

It should not be considered “hostility” to insist on professionalism, transparency and unbiased decisions to be made on our behalf.

This is not “hostility directed at leadership.” It is a community concerned about our wishes not being acted upon.

Our board must be accountable and follow the Master Lease Rules and regulations. Our community must be consulted on important matters.

Unfortunately, a lawsuit is sometimes necessary when all else fails. I feel exhausted at having to “police” and do extensive research to make sure that my board is acting appropriately.

There have been so many problems with this board. The trust that I initially put in them five years ago has been violated. When I see a green pool, overgrown weeds, HOA fees tripled – I lose hope.

Maybe it is time to think about a new start! “Burn it down and build it back up” is not such a bad idea when all else has failed. It is “extreme”! But here we are.

“A dead end is a good place to turn around.”

I am not a “destroyer,” but any good relationship has two sides!

I am not “burning anything down.” I just have enough sense and concern for my community to know when enough is enough.

I do not “rant,” I respectfully disagree. I value diversity and your right to differ, but I will not support disrespect. I am not “vilifying” anyone. I just have a right to reply.

What the “Dark Side” asks for is clarity, due diligence and good business ethics regarding our community.

We want to be kept informed, and listened to. We don’t want “lip service,” we want our voice to matter!

Then, let’s get back to loving our beautiful Shelter Bay.

Marianne Remme has lived in Shelter Bay for five years.


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