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Shelter Bay disputes heard Friday, Sunday

Shelter Bay residents face a weekend of board conflicts aired. Friday morning five Shelter Bay Community board of directors are in Skagit County Superior Court. Plaintiff’s Jan Henrie’s civil complaint accuses them of malfeasance and violating their statutory fiduciary duty. The lawsuit filed March 15, Jan Henrie vs. Wendy Poulton, Elaine Dixon Monte Hicks, Joseph1 Hurley and Louise Kari, has a March 31 hearing. Cases start at 9:30 a.m. The case number is 23-2-00221-29

The board filed a liability insurance claim and again has Seattle attorney Kyle Rekofke representing it.

Rekofke’s motion for continuance, asking for more time, is heard first, at 9 a.m. Henrie will not oppose it, on conditions of court review of board financial decisions, her lawye, Paul Taylor, said.

To participate remotely:; 253-215-8782; Meeting ID: 667 929 1013; Password: 197202.

Director Judy Kontos faces recall vote

Residents will meet 7 p.m. Sunday, April 2 at their clubhouse “to allow both Pro and Con statements to be heard on this vote to recall Director (Judy) Kontos for violations of the Code of Conduct and Rules of Order.”

Board Vice President Joe Hurley described Kontos’ actions as “straight forward violations of the Shelter Bay Bylaws, Rules, and Code of Conduct” in a March 27 community wide email. The “violations involve dissemination of confidential information; swearing to serious allegations in support of lawsuits, without any factual support, that are harmful to the community; seeking a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against five members of the Board and staff members that would have brought the community’s ability to take care of day-to-day business to a standstill.”

Kontos apparently has circulated her 21 page Feb. 13 packet to the board appealing the January ethics committee’s findings against her, which she found one-sided. She claimed the stated complaint process was not followed and was “totally flawed and violated my due process rights and Rule 40.030.020(C through I).”

Kontos disputes the board’s interactions from the time of the four complaints filed against her in October, when they were not acted on within the stated timeline, writing “This entire procedure and process raises serious ethics and due process issues.”


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