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Master Gardener Plant Fair

The annual Skagit County WSU Extension Master Gardener Plant Fair, an always exciting event, kicks off the Skagit Valley Gardener's summer with thousands of quality garden plants for sale, all locally grown and chosen for success in our Skagit Valley environment.

When and where

The Annual Skagit County WSU Extension Master Gardener Plant Fair is set for May 13, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Skagit County Fairgrounds, 501 Taylor Street in Mount Vernon. Parking is free – admission is free and the fun and knowledge you will gain is free. You should try to make time to attend one of the short gardening presentations each half hour from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Topics include pruning, bees, slug management and plenty more.

Plants for sale

Plants for sale include herbs, shrubs, trees, veggies, native plants, grasses, annuals, perennials and plants to attract pollinators (bees, hummingbirds, butterflies). The plant fair covers the entire fairgrounds with one entire building – Building D – just for tomatoes: more than 40 varieties including slicers, salad tomatoes, and cherry and plum types, many of which are heirlooms.

Tomatoes galore

Last year's Skagit County WSU Extension Master Gardener Plant Fair featured over three thousand tomato plants. The tomato starts are very popular and have sold out in previous years. For a complete list of the tomato varieties with descriptions, please go to our website. Here's a link: 2023 Plant Fair Tomato Varieties - Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation ( The tomato house is staffed with veteran tomato experts to help you pick out the right plants for your garden based on your preferences and garden conditions. They love to answer tomato questions.

Local crafts and homemade goods

In addition to the plants available for sale and the expertise available from knowledgeable veteran local Master Gardeners, plant fair visitors will enjoy a variety of vendors selling handcrafted wares like jewelry, glass/metal art, wood sculptures and even more plants. This year's vendors will be selling bulbs, blooms, potted plants and locally sourced food and drink in addition to the handcrafted items.

Plant clinic

Master Gardeners will also be available on-site including some of our plant clinic experts to help you with plant questions and problems. The Master Gardener mission is to support home gardeners by promoting science-based gardening practices and education in partnership with WSU extension. The proceeds generated from the plant fair allow Skagit County WSU Extension Master Gardeners to continue to support that mission. Plant clinics are held throughout the summer months and into the fall. You are encouraged to bring your plants and your questions to the plant clinics for reliable, science-based advice and help:

Washington State University Extension helps people develop leadership skills and use research-based knowledge to improve economic status and quality of life.


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