Your independent hometown award-winning newspaper
Town of La Conner Emergency Management Commission
4:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 25 Walking tour of North First Street. Meet at Gilkey Square. In-person only.
Public Comment (items not on the agenda)
Old Business
Temporary flood measures – develop consensus
Conditions to implement temporary flood protections measures
What level of flood protection?
100-year flood event (1%)
500-year flood event (0.2%)
1,000-year flood event?
Flood height for Skagit River design
Trigger(s) for a Skagit River Flood watch for La Conner
Flood height for coastal flooding
Trigger(s) for a Coastal Flood watch for La Conner
Heat Event Protocol and Cooling Rooms – Summer Heat Shelters
Community Disaster Recovery
New Business
Walking tour of North First Street
Reader Comments(0)