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Team public works renews kiosks

You may not have noticed, yet our information kiosks are back up and working to keep you and visitors informed about what happens here in our town. Over the winter, the Swinomish Park kiosk blew down during a windstorm, due to the base being rusted and, with that, we decided the remaining kiosks were looking sad and due for repairs and repainting.

Public Works took them into their shop disassembled them and sent them out to be painted and labeled. Then they put them back together and installed them at their old sites: in Gilkey Square; in Swinomish Park, across from the Benton Street stairs; and the last one at the public parking lot below Town Hall.

They are painted beautifully and now always have up to date information about the goings on in La Conner, including a map of the town, showing parks stores, museums and more.

So, thank you Public Works for doing this and everything you guys do, keeping La Conner looking so good.

Iversen is a town parks commissioner.


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