Your independent hometown award-winning newspaper

Thank you Mayor Hayes

How does one thank a person who has unstintingly given 16 years of his life to our community? Ramon Hayes has been La Conner’s mayor twenty four hours a day for every one of those years. Many of us have had the pleasure of chatting with him on his daily walks, often accompanied by his smiling, gregarious wife. A useful way of taking the pulse of the town person to person, he seemed to genuinely enjoy his walks.

But the mayor’s day was often much more than glad-handing. He chaired 16 years of town council meetings, some being quite contentious. Under the mayor’s gavel the council meetings remained civil, businesslike and productive. Everyone was heard. The issues were aired and decisions, often difficult compromises, were made. And the business of La Conner moved on. Mr. Mayor represented our town on many Skagit County commissions, councils and committees. In person, in Olympia and on the phone he repeatedly pleaded for La Conner to our state and federal legislators.

Small as La Conner may seem, it takes a lot to keep the streets swept, the drains unplugged and the sewage plant operating. Our mayor oversees a more than $8.6 million annual budget while co-directing the town’s staff.

A mayor is a combination of symphony conductor and enthusiastic cheerleader; more facilitator than a fabricator. Here is a very incomplete but impressive list of things accomplished on his watch:

1. The remarkable, beautiful community-bridging La Conner Swinomish Library.

2. Sherman Street boat launch ramp replacement.

3. Creation of Waterfront Park and reinforcement of channel shoreline.

4. Expansion of wastewater treatment plant including its award winning, self-funding composting program.

5. Designation of Maple Hall as a green energy building, with solar panels.

6. Renewed nighttime lighting of Rainbow Bridge.

7. Development of the Sixth Street skateboard park.

8. Construction of Caledonia Street pump station.

It is likely that some or none of these things would exist without Ramon’s encouragement and follow through. We are lucky to have had Mayor Ramon Hayes serve as our mayor for the last sixteen years and I thank him so very much.

Jerry George

La Conner


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