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Hamas creates children who hate

I am heartsick every time I see a wounded or dead child injured in the Israeli attack on Hamas. I sit in sorrow for a time, then I realize why they are suffering just like the children in Germany in World War II. The residents of Germany supported murderous leaders like Hamas who taught hate for Jews and dedicated their lives to killing every Jew and driving them from the face of the earth. The so-called Palestinians unequivocally support Hamas in their efforts. Hamas fighters slaughtered, raped tortured and killed 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7 and the parents of those now wounded or dead children in Gaza cheered Hamas on and celebrated the horror they inflicted. Those same injured children are taught at an early age to hate Jews without even knowing why.

Yes I am sad, sad that there are people so full of hate that they sacrifice their children. The students are protesting the injured children and have no idea they are being injured by Hamas not Israel, which has every right to defend itself as the U.S. defended itself against murderous aggressors when we bombed Germany and Japan and yes, many innocent children were injured then too.

Mike Morrell

Shelter Bay


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