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Affordable homes aid communities, families

Home Trust of Skagit is a community land trust that serves all of Skagit County. Currently, we are serving 28 homeowners and 18 renters. Home Trust of Skagit offers affordable homes now and preserves that affordability for future homebuyers. Our goal is to have homes in neighborhoods and communities throughout Skagit County (preferably near community transit routes) and to provide opportunities for both homeownership and affordable rentals. With a healthy mix of housing types and home sizes available, we strive to serve those earning up to 80% of the area median income.

Long-term affordability is important for workforce retention in our local communities. If a family cannot afford to live where they work, they will commute. This destabilizes the economic growth of the local community. More opportunities for long-term affordable housing stabilizes the local workforce and communities we serve. Home Trust of Skagit helps to fill this gap.

Programs through Home Trust of Skagit help provide homeownership to individuals and families with limited income (once an impossible dream to many). Homeowners build equity in their homes, an investment in their future and building wealth is the long-term result. Homeownership promotes healthy families and involvement in the community in which they permanently reside.

Affordable housing allows people to live where they work, which enriches local economy. Home Trust of Skagit protects limited-income residents from displacement in their communities (in many cases for over 30 years). Communities make the most of the land while preserving green space. Through providing long-term affordable homeownership in Skagit County, Home Trust of Skagit is instrumental in providing safe and stable communities.

Home Trust of Skagit is a 501c3 nonprofit, and operates on grant funding and individual donations. If you would like to donate funds or property to our organization, please contact our executive director, Felicia Minto, at 360-428-0014.

Minto became Housing Trust of Skagit executive director in November 2023.


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