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Town wants ideas, just not from Glen

As an active community member, I read almost every article in the La Conner Weekly News, usually by early Wednesday afternoon, so I typically find things about which to write. Sometimes I just sit and let the soup simmer, see if it needs some seasoning, maybe some seasoned reasoning should come to bare.

I found the town council’s priorities (“La Conner council sets priorities at retreat,” July 3) very interesting. One member of the council brought up the importance of community involvement, another stressed volunteerism, communication and safety. Economic development, affordable housing, multi-tasking our monies. I’ve been involved with these issues for years, yet I have not been asked but once to explain myself.

The planner claimed that I speak “ad nauseum” about my affordable housing system. In his several years here now, I’ve spent less than half an hour in total discussing my artistic yet affordable housing system with him. When I’ve donated and volunteered my time, I’ve been ignored.

When I was “Sloughmander” for several years I entertained the tourists, until the costume’s head was stolen. I spent a few hundred dollars on it, and always got a positive response at the parades. Some towns hire such a clown, yet I volunteered to sweat all up and down the boardwalk and streets. Most folks thought I was a hoot, a touristy treat. I even got a $5 tip once!

A tip of the hat, a thanks from the town would have been nice, I might have gotten a new costume made. Sloughmander slunk slowly back in the slough, neutered by the reality that he’s not of any value to the little town with a limited view, can’t even see the dike that’s missing or what to do about it.

“We can create a positive climate for housing,” was one quote. “Where do the Realtors and developers come in?” was another. I donated a completely plausible plan and model that is patentable, but the town threw it in the trash and threatened to send me a bill.

One of the council’s top priorities should be to get me back on board. As it is, you’ve lost both me and my positive energies.


Glen S. Johnson

Skagit Valley


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