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Biden duped all you Democratic voters

It strikes me with the ending of the Biden campaign today that a couple of things are worthy of note. Joe Biden has said right along he is in this to win as recent as just a day or so ago, then he contracted COVID-19, again and ran home to Delaware to regroup.

Joe Biden won nearly 100% of the votes for the nomination, only a few voted for others. Did it matter? Nope.

So, who is it that decided to overrule the will of the voters in the Democratic Party? Was it Trump? Nope. The Republican party? Nope. We know that Joe Biden didn’t want to give up the job and certainly his wife didn’t want to give up her First Ladyship, she made that plain. Oh and this is the same spouse that ran her face all over town telling us how great Joe Biden was, how healthy he was, “oh he is fine, just fine, don’t worry I see him every day, I can’t hardly keep up, oh my goodness!”

Uh huh. She lied just like every pundit, Dem operative and most of the mainstream media did, they all lied. The president isn’t fine, hasn’t been fine for nearly the whole of his first term, but now that he is stepping down, fortunately for America as we won’t have to suffer another term of his worthless policies that are too numerous to reiterate here: decisions must be made, just not by the voters.

So now that someone else will have to run in his stead, in the process telling all of Joe Biden’s millions of voters and supporters that “Sorry, we just discovered Joe Biden isn’t well!” Really?

Who included you in? Anyone with a functioning brain could see that!

So just remember who it was that cheated you out of voting for the man of your choice, (not my choice!). It was the bosses of the Democratic Party which will include Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Hollywood liberal elites and probably a lot of people we never heard of, that are now in a real pickle.

The newly minted presumed nominee seems likely to be Kamala Harris, Biden’s vice president, who is even less popular than Joe Biden, if that’s possible and it is. But the bosses have put their interests ahead of what the primary voters said they wanted and that was Joe Biden.

So if Democratic voters feel like they got kicked to the curb today, well you were and all I can say is you have nobody to blame but yourselves for voting Democratic and now the party bosses will tell you who your nominee will be. They don’t need or want your vote.

Stoppelman is a retired shipwright and former tugboat seaman. He lives in Shelter Bay.


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