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Tribe not paying on school debt

The public hearing held on July 29 by the La Conner school board revealed that next year the district is going to levy $1,434,000 for debt service on the bond that built the middle school. That will be paid by about 4,400 non-Native American taxpayers who live in the school district. The Swinomish do not pay taxes. Yet, they account for 38.7% of the student body. They should contribute $554,958.

The tribe can afford it. They will collect $1,958,197 extra cash from their tax on Shelter Bay and Pull & Be Damned residents this year.

One of the school board members volunteered that the board lacks the leverage to force the Tribal Senate to pay their fair share of the debt service. To overcome that lack, the board should go to arbitration. Section 18 of the interlocal cooperative agreement of 2021 between the tribe and the district sets the procedure.


Dan O’Donnell

La Conner


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