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(More) sadness from Gaza

I just read an e-mail blurb from a Tunde Wackman who is staff at World Central Kitchens. The New York based non-profit who is working non-stop in Ukraine, Sudan and other troubled locales around the world, including Gaza and the West Bank. You may recall that World Central Kitchens is the organization that Jeannie Wedin, myself and others raised $18,000 for a few years back feeding refugees in Ukraine.

Now they are distributing much-needed food to starving Palestinians. A month or so back they were in the news resulting from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s brutal artillery being aimed at their ALL WHITE vans, killing about seven World Central Kitchens volunteers, including one American!

Today Tunde advises yet another of their volunteers was brutally “murdered” by Israel’s Defense Forces bombing a food distribution warehouse managed by WCK, again killing innocents!

Since Israel’s “genocide” began last October, I have been writing and forwarding various e-mails to our state’s elected officials: Sen. Patty Murray, Sen. Maria Cantwell and our more local U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen. In those many months of writing people elected to represent us I have received exactly zero responses to my concerns and pleas to do “something.” Nada, zip, squat. Instead they are only asking for more donations to their reelection campaigns! P.S. the three of them have received generous donations from our (not) good friends at AIPAC

Unless you have been under a rock, I assume you have heard of this pro-Israel political action group. In recent years Murray has received approximately. $634,000, Cantwell $300,000 and Larsen an unknown amount. They are bought and sold as far as Israel is concerned, recently voting against their own senate colleague Bernie Sanders, who was promoting a bill to have an existing law enforced that would have required Israel to report how our weapons and voluminous funding is mis-used in Israel’s genocide. Murray and Cantwell voted against this.

Oh wait, Iran, Lebanon and other countries are now in the sights of Netanyahu’s IDF. Why? Because they and most of the world see the true evil of Israel’s government. Elections are coming, I would suggest voting these three out of office. They are just enabling Israel’s continued genocide at our expense!

John Leaver

La Conner


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