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Our homeland is at risk from lies

I can recommend two books: The Bible and “The Anti-Communist Manifesto” by Jesse Kelly.

Because our homeland is in such crises, it is difficult to know how to briefly say what is in my head and heart.

So, just this: Truth is under attack. Deception is the name of the game today. Lies are repeated and repeated and many Americans are deceived by those who are working to change, destroy this constitutional republic.

If we can’t discern truth from lies, we are easily deceived.

Also, platforms are available for us to read. What does the Republican party stand for TODAY? What does the Democrat party stand for TODAY?

I have words written alongside Genesis 12:3 about Israel: I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” The words: “Pay attention, U.S.A.!”

And finally, the God of Creation believes in borders. Deuteronomy 32:8: “The Most High God gave the nations their lands. He divided up the human race. He set up borders for the nations. He did it based on the number of the sons of Israel.”

So much more, so much more. I pray. I stand for the Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was founded.

Nancy Burlison

Shelter Bay


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