Your independent hometown award-winning newspaper

It's fun to map your neighborhood

I want to thank Bill Reynolds for his kind and informative article about gathering our neighbors to “Map Our Neighborhood” as recommended by the state’s Department of Emergency Management.

La Conner is a small community with a tiny group of dedicated public works employees who do an incredible job of maintaining the town’s complex infrastructure. If the town suffers a disaster like the tidal flood of 2022 or a major earthquake, one of magnitude 6.0 or more, our town staff may not be able to meet community needs.

At that point dealing with the effects of the disaster will depend on neighbor helping neighbor. The Map Your Neighborhood program provides a framework to effectively, efficiently and safely organize post-disaster recovery residence by residence.

The program is simple, and in post-COVID-19 times, a fun way to reintroduce neighbors to one another. We’ve learned surprising things about our community that really does cause us to smile when we greet each other.

More info:

Jerry George

La Conner


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