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Having my say: Get out and vote

Well patriots, it’s that time again! Time to select the men and women who represent us in the offices of governance, for better or worse! You know, like the marriage vows, “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health” and we’ve been witnessing the downside of each vow for the past four years! We’ve had the “worst” economy, we’ve become “poorer” and “sicker” as well, due to government shutdown policies!

1: What do you look for in the person who will represent you?

I look for strong constitutionalists who reflect the Christian values of our founders. Our founders didn’t always see eye to eye but the importance of their goal, to unite our country, overrode the less important minor personal desires!

2: What are your hot buttons? I have many, as those who know me can verify, but;

a) I want our United States government to follow our Constitution which is clearly written and easily understood!

b) I want our children to receive a quality education, to learn our founding documents and to become critical thinkers, not indoctrinated robots!

c) I want people to take their obligations as American citizens seriously, to take the time to make informed decisions and Vote! I’m tired of people telling me they’re not going to vote because the choices aren’t to their liking! Well, put on your big girl/big boy panties and grow up! We all have to grow up sometime!

Voting is a privilege and a duty, the responsibility of every American citizen! Our military fight and die for our country so that we can remain a sovereign nation and keep this sacred privilege! Shame on those who choose not to vote! America’s enemies don’t need a military force to bring down America because America has enough homegrown apathetic “citizens” and self-serving politicians in office who have deserted their post!


Patti Ruple

Oak Harbor


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