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A call for regional constitutional conventions

As a follow up to last week’s editorial (“Let’s vote for president now”), let us call for a series of regional constitutional conventions in order to:

(a) Let we the people be heard

(b) Avoid anarchy and suppression of voices in the name of law and order

(c) Instill hope for democracy to live by example here in the heart of the free world

(d) Guarantee representation at the table of all people invested in this country by birth, by naturalization, by labor and by service for the common good.

To “get real,” people and powers that be:

Regional representation with delegates that are not entrenched politicians only, but would include:

(i) High stakes owners in that region, requiring attendance by executives of companies that have benefitted financially and substantially in that region in the past four years

(ii) Small business representatives, community elected and changing every several months

(iii) Rotating business organizational representatives, e.g. from Rotary, Lions ...

(iv) Non-profit agency representatives who can speak for the “underdogs” of society

(v) Undocumented immigrant representatives

(vi) Environmental experts to safeguard the viability of our country and the planet, for children and voiceless millions around the world

(vii) paid for by the richest corporations (including their individual top earners) so that taxpayers do not foot the bill. Corporations are considered individuals.

This is not 1776. Our enemy is not in control of this country yet. We are soiling our own nest.

Revolutionary forces are not evil. They force us to recognize deep yearnings for what is declared in the Declaration of Independence. It is a declaration. But only if it is heard. If silenced it can only lead to festering, more and desperately profound. In fact, so profound that lives will be risked to regain lost, felt freedoms. Clearly seen on the 6th of January 2021.

And freedoms are at stake. For all peoples. Let us demonstrate that the United States of America lives in this twenty-first century. That “diversity” means representation at the table of all those who live here, that respect the deep resonances of our love of freedoms that is for each one of us and from and by each one. We count.

This letter respectfully requests that the entire “new and old” politicians show now their allegiance to all the people who make up the fabric of this country. You were elected by some, but serve all the people. Some have spoken by voting, some by demonstrating, some by risking their lives, some by giving their lives.

Rise above politics. Think of what is best for all people in this nation. Serve as a beacon for the rest of the world.

Get started on setting up the series of regional constitutional conventions.

After 1776, civil war killed thousands, planted seeds of distrust within families and set up one region against another. Loser vs. winners. Please do not repeat history. Learn from it. Listen to we the people. Act soon.

J. Walker-Wharton is a longtime La Conner resident


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