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Meet the candidates for 10th District Legislature

Clyde Shavers (D), Representative, Position 2

Why are you seeking office?

With soaring costs, our economy isn't working for us. That's why I fought to lower property taxes for more seniors, veterans and people with disabilities; and cap medication costs. I increased retirement benefits for teachers and public employees; and funded affordable housing across our district. I'm 100% pro-choice, an environmental advocate and champion for veterans and military families. Over the past two years as your representative, I'm proud of the progress we've made together. It hasn't always been easy – public service requires real sacrifice – but it's been worth every moment to see the positive impact on our community. We've bridged divides, delivered meaningful results and shown that by working together, we can make real change. I'm ready to keep making those sacrifices and continue fighting for the people I serve.

How will you increase funding for public school special education and mental health programs?

I will work to increase funding for public school special education and mental health programs by advocating for a more equitable state funding model that reflects the true costs of these services. We must prioritize these areas in the state budget, ensuring they receive the necessary resources. I will also seek additional federal funds and explore public-private partnerships to expand mental health services in schools. By increasing staffing for counselors and support professionals, we can ensure every student has access to the help they need, creating a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for all.

Where will significant funding for building "missing middle" housing come from?

Significant funding for workforce housing will come from a combination of state and federal resources, as well as public-­private partnerships. We can redirect a portion of state revenue and leverage federal infrastructure dollars to support affordable housing projects. I also support offering tax incentives to developers who build workforce housing and reforming zoning laws to encourage higher-density development near transit hubs. Additionally, establishing a state housing trust fund dedicated to workforce housing can ensure long-term investment. These efforts will help address the growing demand for affordable housing while supporting our essential workforce.

If I-2109 passes, repealing the tax on long-term capital gains, how will the legislature replace that state funding?

If I-2109 passes, we can replace the lost revenue by focusing on improving tax efficiency and enforcement, closing loopholes and reducing wasteful spending. Additionally, we can stimulate economic growth through targeted investments in job creation, infrastructure and innovation, which will increase overall tax revenue without raising taxes on individuals or businesses.

If I-2117 passes, repealing the Washington Climate Commitment Act, what legislative acts are needed to replace it?

If I-2117 passes, we would need new legislation focusing on renewable energy investments, expanding clean energy tax incentives and enhancing energy efficiency standards. Additionally, we could better support green infrastructure projects to ensure Washington meets its climate goals while maintaining economic growth and protecting the environment.

What legislative initiatives will reduce usage of gasoline engine vehicles?

To reduce gasoline vehicle usage, I'll support expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure, increasing rebates for EV purchases and providing incentives for public transit and bike-friendly infrastructure. Additionally, I'll push for stricter fuel efficiency standards and policies that promote the adoption of clean energy transportation alternatives across the state.


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